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The L!ne

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Everything posted by The L!ne

  1. naja mal davon abgesehen, dass man in einem deutschen Text nicht einfach so englische Worte einbauen sollte ;) das klingt nämlich schrecklich. Sollte jedem erwachsenem Menschen auch klar sein.
  2. the option to run Dayz over Sixlauncher and Steam is bugged and I can not recommend this. Just run it over 6Launcher and ignore the fact steam is not recognizing this.
  3. The L!ne

    Can my computer run dayz?

    the answer wont help you, cause Dayz needs way more hardware then Arma 2 / OA ;) @OP: yeah you can with high settings.
  4. Also bei der Rechtschreibung zweifel ich an der geistigen Reife. es heißt zum Beispiel "Überlebender" oder "Survivor"... nix anderes ;)
  5. today i got no problems oO
  6. The L!ne

    Ghillie Suits as of

    i am disappointed, that he removed them from the game. I thought, there was no real issue about them. Maybe is was a hack, but it was okay to do it like that, cause arma cant handle anything else...
  7. The L!ne

    Ghillie Suits as of

    so it seems like they removed the camouflage from the game, when the bug was fixed? wtf???
  8. your link opens up an "about: blank"-tab
  9. The L!ne

    Ghillie Suits as of

    i think they are spawning less often. i didn't have seen one in the last week...
  10. The L!ne

    DE 294 REPORT

    the problem is when people from this server start to join others and kill people with stuff from a locked server. Because on a locked server is no danger of being pk'ed. So unfair advantage. Do you get that?
  11. why did you bump a thread, that is dead? stop it please
  12. The L!ne

    DE 294 REPORT

    Waly, calm down. it is clearly forbidden for server owners to lock the servers.
  13. The L!ne

    DE 294 REPORT

    bumP! and +1
  14. The L!ne

    Better Security.....

    but maybe he can change things for the feature if dayz is converted/reprogrammed for another engine, they should try to find some better cheat-detection ;) but i think active admins are the best cheat-detection.
  15. The L!ne

    I think the game is trolling me.

    that problem with invisible walls: the texture was just not loaded. so you only need to get to the lobby and get back in. now it should be fine ;)
  16. The L!ne

    Where did the night go?

    the Server DE 332 is also sticking to this rule. Ther Servertime is always the time of germany (so now GMT+2). Maybe you should look out for that one ;)
  17. The L!ne

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    did you see that the thread is dead? i dont like thread-necros.... I made my position clear enpough in this thread.
  18. The L!ne

    I think the game is trolling me.

    for me its more like: searching for hours for a match of boxes... later: "Yeah i found one... and another one... and another one... and..." kind of trolling... yeah
  19. The L!ne

    Anyone seen a Ghillie Suit spawn?

    i asked on a server with side-chat and they say: they have found some. but I think they are way more uncommon now. I saw one guy with a ghillie since the last patch and all other survivors were in civilian clothing...
  20. The L!ne

    Where did the night go?

    i got this issue too... but i spoke to some admins and they say: they cant set the time of the server. The Hive is controling this. But when the server breaks down and is offline for some time, the server will have a wrong time, because he will continue where he stopped...
  21. The L!ne

    admins are abuseing

    can you all calm down please? it is just a game and this rage is not what it is supposed to create... write a ticket when you feel like, but stop this flame-war
  22. The L!ne

    DayZ Anfäger Hilfe

    der thread ist übrigens im falschen Forum... verschieb es mal in das Anfänger-Forum ;)
  23. The L!ne

    Why don't my bullets break the glass?

    i always destroy the windows that are the nearest to the sides of the hospital. that works for me (with hatchet)
  24. The L!ne

    I have become a monster..

    I tried to kill someone today, but failed and he did not shoot back. We chatted a bit and laughed over my fail. So I think I do not shoot on sight any more, cause I am bad at that :D but I see, that a global chat can help things to announce you earlier and make clear that you are friendly. Just because evrybody sees it and the killed can announce you as a liar...