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The L!ne

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About The L!ne

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    Saxony, Germany
  1. Funny to see someone talking about getting shot when hopping. Just did it some days ago: I was on a low-pop-server and since it was getting late I ended up alone in it and checked it quite often. I finally arrived at the mil-base around Veresnik and shot a guy in the Police-Station who has to be joining in there because some min earlier I was still alone... Normally I don't KOS but this guy was scaring me linke hell when he was just there... believe it or not you will meet people really often in low-pop-servers. Always expect to meet someone.
  2. The L!ne

    Black Backpacks (Or Other Neutral Colors)

    Was thinking about the spraypainting myself yesterday. We really need to be able to spraypaint anything we want. Not only backpacks but all weapons and stuff. I am pretty sure the devs will introduce some more backpacks in the future not only the ones already mentioned.
  3. The L!ne

    proper endgame

    Right now there are little to none longtime-goals so everybody is kind of PVPing thats right. But as far as my knowledge goes: zeds are reduced because of the limitet AI and the problems with it. So it will become harded when the new AI-system and a greater number of zeds is activated. Regading the longtime goels: cars are the next step and they are working on it. The devs want to introduce base-building as we so there is a point in defending something and not just randomly kill each other and the loot system will be reworked too so I assume with all points of OP will be dealt ;) So I totally agree with Sacha here. The game will change and hopefully so will the community B)
  4. The L!ne

    Hide Feedback Messages

    the status in the inv-tab is just a placeholder and assistance due to the first days of SA nobody had a clue what is going on and what those messages meant. Many of my friends characters randomly passed out while doing normal stuff like waiting, eating, running. since it was fund it was not really helpful for the game ;)
  5. The L!ne

    About base building and base raping.

    I think when you implement such things as basebuilding it needs to be done. You can get maybe a character for 1st-person-view and one for 3rd-person-servers but thats it. the Whole problem is: whats happening, when your server only has inactive players attached to it? I think there needs to be something like dynamic-servers with dynamic hives such that you have always active players over the course of 24h. But thats a really complex topic to migrate such things and don't get any kind of conflicts...
  6. The L!ne

    Fire up the wood burner...

    Thats your problem but it should be possibly nevertheless ;) would love to watch out for more things in the sky.
  7. The L!ne

    [Suggestion] Server Event's

    I am thinking about "negative" events, too. Something like a Group up of zombies, a zombie-assault on one major city maybe: so it would be extremly difficult to loot there.
  8. The L!ne

    @Rocket: keep up the good work!

    looking back in this old thread.... and looked at my last post: I WAS RIGHT! :D YEAH! and still: keep up the good work ;)
  9. The L!ne

    [Suggestion] Server Event's

    ther could also be a kind of ship with zombies reaching a harbor because they were evacuated with an infected on board. So there could be a ship full of loot and a tons of zombies around and inside.
  10. I can't read the whole thread, but I hope that people stop comparing the number of in DayZ with their homecountry. First of all: it is set in an european country, where buying/owning a weapon is quite hard because of regulations. Thats one reason why there are less weapons around. Also normal policemen normally only have pistols. They only get other weapons for special operations. The other reason is to focus dayZ more on surviving and working together, because of the lack of defense. When you cant find a weapon it is great when someone covers your back, even if they do it with a hatchet. To military peronal: maybe they evacuated the "VIP's" and took the majority of guns with them? So please stay with only a small amount of weapons and very rare ammunition.
  11. The L!ne


    do you have problem reading the internet-map? or the ingame map: for the ingame map: if you want to open it, drag it in a quickslot and then hit the number of that slot.
  12. The L!ne

    [Suggestion] Server Event's

    if they implement radio, a helicopter could sen S.O.S. on all frequencies or something similar. So at least you know that there is something to search for. This would make it kind of an Endgame-scenario becuase getting a working radio should be difficult as well ;)
  13. The L!ne

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    not everyone is like this.. there are some turning the polite ones into rude customers over the time. So just stay polite even if someone is talking bullshit in you opinion
  14. The L!ne

    Gas Station Roulette

    now i know where the random errors come from :D
  15. The L!ne

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    i only have written down what my first cores load is at. I don't really expect Arma2-Engine to utilize multicores greatly... and still my core is never over 60%.... I don't know how to check my GPU load right now.