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About nixxen

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. nixxen

    Vehicle and tent acess

    In real life, you leave your house every day to get to work. So when someone inevitably steals your shit, it is your fault for going to work instead of staying at home. You do see the glaring flaw in your logic right? At any rate, IMO there should be some kind of safe keeping for tent and the likes. I don't think completely locking them as soon as you log off it the solution though, since then people could just alt+f4 if they saw someone close in on their tent. Having tents with a "lockout" and follow period might be a possible solution. By this I'm thinking something along the lines of: Player logs out - tent is now free for the taking as it is now, but with a time limit. For instance 4 hours. After the 4 hours the tent will appear as empty for other players, or even completely vanished. On a completely different note, having the tent follow the player when they change servers would be a very nice feature. Staying on the same server right now is becoming harder and harder for every day that passes - but this is something entirely different.
  2. nixxen

    Do you get scared?

    Was at the NW airfield last night. Pitch black. We were 3 people, and there was at least one elusive person hiding somewhere on the airfield or nearby(chemlights and flares that was not ours were found). I came across a military flashlight and dropped my sidearm to get some sight without having to light up the entire area with flares. This made me able to see all the things I had been sneaking past. And them to see me... As I passed the control tower monkeys and crawlers started following me, and every time I lowered my flashlight to shoot at them things turned pitch black again. My team mates were at the last hangar. I screamed out for help as I ran towards them - but they couldn't see anything either, so I turned and lit the followers up with my flash light. A few shots were fired at my followers, and the entire airfield came crushing down upon us. It was probably one of the most intense moments I've had in DayZ to date. Me trying to listen for Zeds and light them up with my flashlight as soon as I had identified one, my teammates trying to take them down. The Zeds quickly decided that my teammates was a bigger threat than me and started attacking them instead, but when I put my light on them I also blinded my teammates. We made it through, but barely. Luckily the elusive players in the area didn't take advantage of the situation and stayed hidden. So yeah, I get scared at times.