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Schamer (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Schamer (DayZ)

  1. So little story. is was playing lingor Island and suddenly i met some guy who didn't had any weapon. So i told him that i wont kill him and finally i could help him finding a M16A2. And after that, we tried to fix a car, which was near us, but we had to look in another city, because we needed one tire more. But as we followed another guy into a fire station, he shot him, but i could kill him. So now im looking for the guy, who got killed by this bandid. We where looking forward to team up with each other. So i hope he'll read that. Send me a private message if you do! and btw. sorry for this unnessesary post.
  2. Hey if u stay online at Steam, i can message you when we are going to play, this night. Schamer
  3. Hey there. I was looking for some guys to group up with, too. So if you dont mind, you can add me on Steam: MetalJackson Btw. I got an onw Teamspeak Server, so it would be better to use this for communication. =) So to my person. Im Simon, my ingame name is Schamer, in 18 and from Germany. But i dont have a problem with speaking English. So if you think thats ok, add me on Steam and we can group up. :) Would be awesome! =)
  4. Schamer (DayZ)

    Radios to communicate and broadcast

    Yea i thought about something like this too. Really good Idea :) Would LOVE it!
  5. Schamer (DayZ)

    Defensive and Healing Spells

    Kinda shit
  6. So, hey there. Im Schamer and im looking for some European guys to team up with. Best would be EU-West, but i dont really care. :D So i'm 17 years old and live in Germany and i would like to get some skilled mates. :P I speak English and German and I dont have a problem speaking English. You can add me on steam: MetalJackson I got an own Teamspeak, which we could use. :) Dont hesitate to add me, i am open for everyone ;)