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Quagmire (DayZ)

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About Quagmire (DayZ)

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  1. Quagmire (DayZ)


    How about 'Lets Not' put more crap on youtube.
  2. Quagmire (DayZ)

    Stary Sobor Population Zero?

    Campers like OP just make me laugh. Protip: we've wised up to the fact there's morons camping the tents and moved elsewhere.
  3. Quagmire (DayZ)

    ALT F4 is not the problem...

    Remember kids - Stay in school or you may become as stupid as OP..
  4. Quagmire (DayZ)

    So I joined a server

    Thank you for supporting BI by purchasing ArmaII. BI is a company well deserved of your money, but unfortunately you have let down the developement team via posting bollocks and thus are being asked to stop playing and posting, effective imediately. Take care now, bye, bye then.
  5. Quagmire (DayZ)

    DayZ stand-alone game?

    Admins, please ban OP as well as everyone that actually considers this to be a serious topic. The cancer has gone on far too long.
  6. Quagmire (DayZ)

    Camera Shaking

    Yeah you should probably stop playing this mod now. It isn't for you.
  7. Quagmire (DayZ)

    /reddit Bronies/ sanc server gone?

    The source of the cancer..
  8. It's like someone took all the previously suggested ideas and combined them into one post..
  9. Quagmire (DayZ)

    Factions - just a matter of time

    This mod was built to be a sandbox, an anti-game survival simulator. Not a rail-shooter, CoD clone with scripted events, objectives and the like. And as T'Goonda said clans already simulate such things, some have large bases set up to provide a safe location for people to trade items without being harassed by others or backstabbed and many, many more schemes.
  10. Quagmire (DayZ)

    Safety toggle for weapons

    The only time you ever use the safety catch on a weapon is when you are 99.9% safe, like in a military compound. The rest of the time any soldier's weapon will be live so the response time from taking fire - to returning fire, or sighting a target to firing is as swift as humanly possible. The slighest delay can mean life or death in the real world so that's what I base my opinion on. I completely understand where you're coming from however, I've seen myself being pinned down in a house having to sit and watch the doorway for 15 minutes straight with my headset up loud just to shit myself when I accidently fire my own weapon lol. But as I said previously, only when you're guarenteed safe pretty much would the safety be applied, and in DayZ there is literally no where safe.
  11. Quagmire (DayZ)

    Safety toggle for weapons

    No this is indeed a silly idea, no beans for you. And in actual fact you should be giving us all beans for wasting our time here.
  12. Quagmire (DayZ)


    Yep. I'm surrounded by retards.
  13. You've got it pretty much bang on. Clans/server owners usually take all the vehicles when the restart the server by locking it for a while. Only advise I could give would be to study your map, think if you had a vehicle you didn't want anyone to find where would you put it? That's how I raid camps and blow up their vehicles frequently.
  14. Quagmire (DayZ)

    Broken Bones has to go or fix your coding

    Not sure if trolling or just plain stupid..
  15. Quagmire (DayZ)

    Scripters gonna script!

    And moron's gonna forum post. I wish I had a pound coin for ever hacker rant, yes they're out there, yes the whole of the DayZ playerbase knows it. Also It would be wise to put the mod down for a while and read a book to increase those English writing skills.