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About CyberWar

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. CyberWar

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    True Story :beans: :thumbsup:
  2. CyberWar

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Updated my Server. Working like a charm B)
  3. Hello Dayz Com, 1. A question about the Scripts.txt. Is there anywhere an updated version of it? Or is it on me to update it manually with every script i find? 2. I have just seen a flying helicopter. I saved immedeatly my log files and restarted the server. After what for scripts or codes should i be looking for? 3. Is it possible to ban them globaly by sending my logs to BE or dayz wide ? I have a video with proof und logs if this is enough. CyberWar
  4. CyberWar

    Server Error

    So. My Own Server just got whitelisted and im currently trying to start. But on startup i get the Error: dayz_anim requires addon ca_pmc Someone knows what the Problem is ? CyberWar
  5. CyberWar

    Dayz Server hosting

    SO. Just rented my Server and registered for an instance id. How long does it usually take to approve or disapprove a new server ?
  6. CyberWar

    Dayz Server hosting

    Thanks for youre answers So this means i should rent the root? And can i have more then 1 server on the same root?
  7. Hello, I want to Host my own Dayz Server and were searching for a good root server. I found this offer here http://www.hetzner.de/hosting/produkte_rootserver/ex5 Would this server be able to run a Server with 60+ Slots?