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><> Liam

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About ><> Liam

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  1. ><> Liam

    I finally committed a murder..

    Gratz on first muder ^^
  2. ><> Liam

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    So have people been having their characters wiped with v or has this just been with
  3. ><> Liam

    DE 61 - weird AS50 at night

    I know for sure as50 doesn't work with night vision ;). However it was probably just dark but still seeable to an extent so unless it was complete pitch black on the server i doubt he was cheating.
  4. Just happened to everyone on the last 2 servers i went on.
  5. ><> Liam

    Experimental test patch

    Wrong it hides the body yes but you can still hear the flies for like 30 minutes no matter if the bodys there or not so if a player heard gunshots and head in that general area he would hear the flies and know someone was killed. GG
  6. ><> Liam

    Are tents currently bugged?

    Well it had aparantly been fixed and we've asked some of our friends on the same server were on and they said they havn't experienced items going missing out of their tents but seriously every time we put one down and store stuff in it the next day its gone no matter what the stuff was.
  7. Hello, I'm just curious if other people have recently been having any trouble with items de-spawning inside of tents. I'm not 100% sure but whenever me and my mates put a tent down and store stuff inside it the stuff is always gone the next day. And it's not even like we put them in bad positions they are in decent positions. I'm not sure because everything is always gone, its not just 1 weapon its always everything even stuff people don't necessarily need like painkiller and epi-pens. We have been pressing save on the tents too could that be something to do with it? Anyway please post here on if you have experienced anything like this or how your items within tents have panned out for you thanks.
  8. Thanks to Vipeax for the help fixed now :D
  9. Im now stuck in the ground in elektro with a lee enfield as a female character. I was previously at stary fields, male character m107?
  10. Ok ill check now. edit: Still in debug land??
  11. Just reply or pm me when u have looked vipeax
  12. Thats the thing when i press G theres nothing there is all my stuff gone or will it come back when i get out of debug land?
  13. I'm well aware respawning will fix it but I'm asking if theres a way of getting out without dieing also will my stuff come back when i get out?
  14. Hello, I just now logged on to find myself in debug land. I have no idea why i logged off a few hours ago fine near stary now im in Debug land. Tried a few other servers but im on debug land on there too. Is it possible to get out of debug land? Also if i do get out will my items re-appear when i press G i have nothing.