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Everything posted by Duskan

  1. Duskan

    Looting While Prone

  2. Repair a chopper, get some friends and annihilate Cherno.
  3. Duskan

    Picnic at Prud Lake!

    There will be beans... Or was it blood?
  4. Duskan

    Zombie bashing with the M249

    Wow, nice shooting. You guys had a pile of bodies by the time you bolted from the building. Where did you get the M249 (SAW) at? And how many kills by the end?
  5. Duskan

    I am spawning without a gun

    This is normal, the mod used to spawn you with a pistol but now you have to find a weapon on your own. Be sneaky, my suggestion if you need a gun is to look in open barns and in the cities. This will involve a lot of crawling to get past zombies but you should at least be able to find a hatchet or an old hunting weapon.
  6. I have had this happen with friends as well, sometimes we resolved this through refreshing the in game server listings multiple times over a few minutes. But this doesnt even fix it all the time, it is very aggrivating.
  7. (This was several days ago) I was playing with two friends on US 300 and something strange happened. We had just raided a town and we crawling out, I heard what sounded like footsteps that were not coming from my friends. Suddenly all our inventories were suddenly emptied without cause. All weapons ammo food and equipment gone. One of my friends suddenly has an AS50, handgun and other new gear we did not find in the town. Suddenly two of us had broken legs and we were bleeding. Then five to ten seconds later the two of us without the new guns were insta killed, by what sounded like gunfire. Is this an admin cheating or a hack or what?
  8. I'm sorry have you been playing Dark Souls a bit much? Console jokes aside, really nobody needs to pump anything with more than two rounds from a M1911 (and that is pushing it) unless its coated in body armor.
  9. When I heard about this I thought this would be a fitting theme song. The Lord Is My Shepherd prayer put to metal by Megadeth.
  10. 5 slots for sidearm, 10 slots for long gun. Also when you move the weapon to a pack it will automatically move the ammo as well, so if you try to say move an AKM with three mags to your pack, even if you have 10 slots the mags will get 'eaten' by the pack.
  11. This sounds cool, like theres a 'Good Samaritan Sniper' running about. Who is this unseen savior?
  12. I've used three tents for far in my month or so of playing, and all of them has had this issue at one time or another. I place my tent in a concealed area, store some valuable gear, save and logout. I come back the next day and the tent is empty or I have multiple empty tents where mine was located. What gives, is there a fix for this or are tents just completely broken? My last tent had a lot of food, drink, ammo and a M9 that are now all lost.
  13. Duskan

    Possible Tent Fixes?

    Thanks for all the info guys, I think my problem is loading my tent down with gear right after setting it up. Server restarts cleaning it out afterwards. I'll try and experiment with loading one up after I leave something inside for the tent to 'eat' and place other items in after that is gone. Maybe there will finally be a use for tin cans after all.