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Everything posted by chaostactical

  1. chaostactical

    [Legion] Kicking for killing

    Want some honesty? We kick for Admins [Me, Chu, or Nomad]. go look at the logs, thats all we kick for.
  2. chaostactical

    [Legion] Kicking for killing

    Get your facts straight before you cry :/
  3. chaostactical

    Ban Appeal?

    LOL. ive only banned one person, actually. OHMAGAWD, LEGION ARE SO BAD. atlanta 1-5? thats provided by us. if you dont like it, find another home. ive posted our rules in another forum section, go read, them, sound it out to yourself if you cant pronounce the larger words, and try to understand it. this is a ban removal request forum, not a flame forum. you people are a waste of goddamn oxygen.
  4. chaostactical

    Any Military Vets Around that want to Group Up?

    any atlanta servers :)
  5. chaostactical

    Rarest Weapons?

    What have you guys seen out there? just today i found a VSS, and an M4 Holo/203. couple of my mates found a M136 as well O.o
  6. chaostactical

    Rarest Weapons?

    idk, all i know is i will be not wasting ammo on zombies, ill be using them on noobs... ;D
  7. chaostactical

    Rarest Weapons?

    maybe, who knows. lol
  8. chaostactical

    Rarest Weapons?

    i found it on a bandit, how am i cheating?... lol if there is no VSS, how am i holding one? hm...
  9. chaostactical


    When a hacker killed all of the Dallas 3 server, we investigated a little and found that he did infact spawn a GAU-12.... do the math.
  10. chaostactical

    Vehicular Disappearances

    rest assured, 5.6 is going to fix this! Cheers!. Chaos
  11. chaostactical

    Rarest Weapons?

    ive looked everywere for a M4 holo silenced, i'd give my left nut for that thing xD
  12. chaostactical

    Rarest Weapons?

    then tell me how i found a VSS -.-
  13. chaostactical

    Rarest Weapons?

    i've found the CCO on a couple of occasions, and the kjobra several times. never found a silenced M4. found the DMR yesterday night. Found the VSS, and thought... "where the fuck do i get ammo for this? D:"
  14. chaostactical

    Legion Server....

    I apologise for the up and down time guys, tried to put a 3rd server up, and it made the box have a seizure, untill we get our new box tomorrow, we're sitting pretty with two servers. sorry again, cheers :) Chaos.
  15. chaostactical

    Legion Server....

    not unless they donate :
  16. chaostactical

    Dat feel...

    When you spawn in, kill a random bandit, find NVG's, full medical supplies, a big coyote pack, a CZ550 and Lee Enfield, full ammo.... With a Makarov. :D
  17. chaostactical

    Dat feel...

    im not spamming the forums O.o
  18. chaostactical

    Legion Servers Locked?

    no problem, thanks tonic. cheers. chaos
  19. chaostactical

    Load times

    Rocket, your doing an amazing job keeping up with all this growth. keep it up, mate. we're all cheering you on!
  20. chaostactical

    Dat feel...

    hey, first pair of NVGs ive ever had, i was excited, geeeez.
  21. chaostactical

    Who's got "A LIST"

    that was probably n0on running away giggling.. lol
  22. chaostactical


    yeah, im a server manager too, lol... it just means he manages the TAW servers..
  23. chaostactical

    Any Military Vets Around that want to Group Up?

    being a vet isnt mandatory, but mature is welcome!
  24. chaostactical

    Guess who...

    LIES. LIES. LIES! awsome :3
  25. chaostactical

    Any Military Vets Around that want to Group Up?

    im sure we can arrange something, squid.