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Everything posted by YethHound

  1. YethHound

    My thoughts after 2 months of play

    I agree with your second point, after spending 4weeks in the game i have enjoyed it alot. the biggest gripe for me atm is not seeing vehicles not just at spawn points but anywhere, i have not seen a single travelling vehicle once in my alpha play, only a friendly hacker who picked me up and gave me everything(character died) i have all this gear and would like to assault a group who are out and about with a vehicle, maybe i can steal the car? but like i said i haven`t seen one. the chance to get about faster with a car would be fun i guess but sadly hasn`t happened yet. i have looked through the forests up north but it does take a lifetime to get about on foot. the Arma3 map could be exactly what is needed Peace
  2. YethHound

    Why this mod is failing

    I have shot at not killed one survivor. Killed one bandit in a whole month of playing. Think what this mod would be like if it was a friend making game. It would be shit......fact Once you can evade zeds its you against players, the not knowing who has eyes in you as you loot an area, could a noob be about to kill my 9day old moderately gear character? Or a vet with a sniper rifle? The suspense is what keeps it real. As for being bored well that's down to your imagination...its a sandbox Goodluck
  3. YethHound


    So the respawn option has been deactivated, I realize this eases the strain on the hive cool but how does one commit suicide? The massive amount of time wasted finding friends who are new is annoying.
  4. YethHound


    Exactly respawn or waste time+respawn. Makes no sense. Let's frustrate the user base more by removing respawn. We decided he should run from kamarovo I think it took 30more minutes.
  5. YethHound


    The sooner rocket implements spawn choices the better Not the most fun way to introduce a newbie to a great game
  6. YethHound


    Wasted 2 hours Friday waiting for mate to spawn in kamenka to meet up. I am in elektro OK run around and die, 10 min later iam in Cherno OK run around and die, so on for along time.
  7. YethHound

    Weapon Changes in ArmA2 1.62

    One and half makarov clips to the head of a cow to take it down. One round from M4a3 cco + multiple makarov rounds to kill one Zed. Not enjoying new weapon damage here
  8. YethHound

    Have you ever gotten a bit of luck...

    Almost the same tale as mine :-)
  9. YethHound

    Have you ever gotten a bit of luck...

    Went to stary alone after checking tents I was shot once 6000 blood I ran out if there. Passed a small town thought shall I check that barn ? While deciding s zed runs at me fast I fire off my M9sd which I dislike he doesn't go down but hits me breaks my leg and leaves me with 2000 blood. I morphine up and get the hell away. At this point I can't see f all blurry vision. I need food fast so I head into woods for meat can hardly make out the trees let alone animals. I see heli crash crawl up to it noway a medical supplies box! 5 blood bags/5morphine/epi-pens but nothing that can help me. I stock up and bail. Running around looking for animals for ages and find a sheep cook it and find more. Nightmare :-)
  10. YethHound

    Yep i am done, i quit

    Thankyou for participating with the alpha test of Day Z. Your feedback helps no end adios amigo
  11. YethHound

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Stupid thread, simply pointless. Personally I like arma engine it has bugs sure, for me its realistic/engrossing more importantly atmospheric. I am pleased I bought it and I will definitely buy arma 3 if Day Z is DLC I will buy that why? Because I think its great and is worthy of supporting. I do hope arma3 can increase player count above 200
  12. YethHound

    What kills you the most?

    at the beginning it was a mix of Zeds n bugs then it was Zeds n PvP now its more like PvP unless i have died and started again and my patience is wearing thin ie running around like a loon looting as quickly as i can
  13. Hmm i was going to disagree with you, but being "safe" sounds more like it. or like TheIllusiveMan suggested a logout area within your camp radius
  14. I suppose it could go either way, as a couple week rookie iam unaware how "some" players exploit this aplha. that said its a great way to get the high tier loot isn`t it? i dont think its DC`ing because i have this or that item, i think most find it a waste of their time to die at the hands of an exploiter. i agree also a timelimit would counter combat DC`ers
  15. i couldn`t care less, but thanks for the tip Resident
  16. Met somebody at Gorka yesterday we both exchanged fire at eachother he ran around a barn zombies in tow, i slowly rolled my way upto the barn with sights set on entrance/exit. tossed a nade into the barn, waited short while......i hear the sound of footstep BEHIND me! like a pro i Dc`d and learnt a lesson, if ur going to engage get it done, don`t sit around waiting
  17. YethHound

    Highest Bandit Kills?

    i agree your out of line, prick words fail me. on topic i have my first bandit slay tonight it was an awesome moment
  18. I play Day Z my way I enjoy it, that's the point I think. Hackers play it their way, they enjoy it. I don't see how they enjoy pissing people off but different strokes for different folks I guess. Fuck them don't rise to it by raging. Isn't that what they want?
  19. YethHound

    Why Day-Z Fails

    I enjoy this mod more than most of the other games I own. Its work in progress for sure. You have 24hours played, I have triple that and still haven't scratched the surface yet. Maybe I am just shit at it. I love reading the sometimes short(this games fucking dog turd) too the extremely long rants(yours) it doesn't matter its obvious people rate this alpha mod. I don't like this mod so I will post on the forums maybe someone will give a shit. Simply don't play it
  20. YethHound

    If i get Stuck on loading one more time

    Installed beta 94997 last night DayZ. Joined a genuine 94997 server and it loaded extremely quickly. Fastest yet in fact no delay joining.
  21. YethHound

    Craziest stuff you've done?

    Spending 2days looting various towns getting some nice civilian gear, then proning around a brick wall only to break my fricken legs and die. Craziest "stuff" i have done? Do it all again for some reason i can`t explain
  22. YethHound

    How rare are NVGs?

    I was given a pair of NVG/guille sniper outfit/GPS which i proceeded to lose by getting eaten by a horde of 1.7.2 undead. How I miss these rare items. The likelihood of me finding again is slim at best
  23. YES not played prior to being gunless, so i have had to learn how to get a gun fast, learn i have and have enjoyed almost every experience so far.
  24. YethHound


    Hey all, i have been playing Day Z for over a week now, i have found it extremely hard to find beans anywhere iam in a bad way ATM with less than 2000 blood i have spent well over 3hours in a large town with multi loot spawn points ie barns houses. i can hardly see as my vision is 0. i have taken all the loot available cleaned house and moved the empty cans/whisky bottles wood hatchets far away from the spawn point and waited away for the new gear to spawn. all that respawns is more empty cans and stuff i do not need. 3 hatchets in one barns? seriously? x4 empty cans? what? useless garbage! i need food. so my question is are some spawn points bugged? isnt food a popular spawn item as it only gives 200 blood. on a sidenote Zed AI is fine i dont have a problem navigating around them. in fact i prefer the tougher AI routines just fix the connection issues Peace
  25. YethHound


    Awesome got me some hunting to do. After slaughtering the bull I had a blood count if 11000, but as I am newbie I accidentally dropped my Fal next to a lake where I was filling my water bottle NO! Idiot. I had no gun and my hatchet wasn't in my hands at the time and I got hammered by a horde. If it wasn't for a experienced generous/patient Russian survivor who picked me up in his army truck full of gear who knows where I might be now That's the beauty of Day Z Thanks for the advice Peace