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About viperman67

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  1. viperman67

    [SA] Silent Assassins Recruiting!

    Hey, im currently on your server atm. Name: Leete Im interested in joining your crew. Thanks.
  2. Ah kk. so u said that lower textures are a result of using Arma 2 free version? meaning i cant have my graphics on high like i usually do? and im still unsure about whether i need a new steam account or not. i might just make a new one to be safe. ?
  3. K, well. When everyone read the title, instantly they will say "SCRIPT KIDDY! GTFO NUB!". Im being serious here. Scenario: I was playing with a mate on a tunngle virtual lan DayZ Server (Since he didn't have the full legit version however i did). Anyways, i signed into a server that spawned a bike next to you for transport. After being on the server for a minute or so riding the bike, i recieved a kick and a notice saying that BattlEyE banned me globally. So i appealed it to them and they are either in the process of fixing it, or just dont care and ignored it. Either way, i dont care if i have to purchase a new copy. Anyways, the real question i wanted to ask: What do i have to purchase and what do i have to do in order to play again (E.g. do i buy Arma 2 and Arma 2: OA or just Arma 2: OA because i heard its just OA u need) and do i need a new Steam Account? May thanks are given to the people who may understand that i wasn't hacking or being a script faggot. Thanks
  4. viperman67

    Switching weapons whilst running

    cool story bro. needs more dragons and shit.
  5. What is your age? 18 (March 12th 1994) How long have you been playing DayZ? 1 month Where do you live? Australia (GMT +10) What role would you prefer? (Assault, Sniper, Medic, etc) Preferrably Sniper however i dont mind being Assault. If i have to, ill be Medic or a Mechanic. What can you bring to SSrT that you promise no other recruit can? Hard question. Just thinking about it, upon most of the other recruits, i can provide a fun and engaging experience to the clan whilst still staying serious and using tactics to eliminate enemies. My DayZ experiences that i have had (E.g. clan v me experiences) provide some insight into how to react when certain situations arise in combat. 1) You're in base along with another member, and a group of three approach camp without showing signs. How do you react? Running out in the open or trying to flee is too risky now since they have entered the area. I would take cover with my member, inside the base we are currently in, then the others approach and enter the building, we would open fire as soon as they enter the doors. Once we eliminate all three and make sure the whole area is safe by scouting out the surrounding area, i would either get myself and the other member to get out of that building, one after the other. this is because we eliminated three ememies, however we dont know if they have a sniper watching the building. its safer if one of us runs out and makes sure the area is safe to flee from. 2) You're the Squad leader of the Assault team Alpha and your running across a field to gather Intel on a enemy position and your team is fired upon and two men go down. Whats your first order of action as squad leader? By down you mean dead? broken leg? unconcious? well ill assume that by down u mean dead. If two men died whilst i was leading them to get intel on the position of enemies, it would depend if i was in an open area or what objects are arround us. if we are in an open field, we are at an extremely high risk of being taken out. SNIPER SITUATION: if we are in a tree line, i would run further, with the members of the group that are still alive, into the tree line for safety. i would then ask the members who got shot and killed, which direction did they hear the shot from. i would have a rough idea of where the sniper is located. Then i would wait 10 minutes for the sniper to loose his stress of trying to find us and let the heat die down. i would then crawl to a point where i may be able to gain a visual on the sniper and most likely i and my team would be hiding behind objects (Tree's, Rocks and such). CLOSE ASSAULT SITUATION: I would kneel/lie down and gain a quick visual of where the assault team is. I would tell the rest of the squad that is alive, where the enemies are located by using my compass. Once their position is known, returning fire is necessary. hiding behind close objects/tree's is necessary to gain cover and have the advantage over the other enemies. Once the enemies flee/die, we would head for safer ground. If we are in an open field, then basically, there is very minimal cover. the best bet would be either to run to a lone standing tree or lie down in the grass and attempt to take any cover you see at all. 3) During a OP in cherno you and your team come across a survivor with broken legs asking for help. How do you respond? Like the moral is, Dont trust anybody at all. He is a stranger to us and we do not know him. it could be a trap or even bait to kill our team. Leave the broken leg player and make sure we are safe.
  6. viperman67

    Switching weapons whilst running

    Thanks. :D
  7. One of the most annoying features of dayz is having to stop and change from your primary and seconday weapons. Very non realistic and you should be able to. I find it quite annoying when you are being chased by zombies and you have to stop to change weapons. U get hit, bleed and since u take your sweet ass time changing weapons, the zombies break your bones or knock you out.
  8. One of the most annoying features of dayz is having to stop and change from your primary and seconday weapons. Very non realistic and you should be able to. I find it quite annoying when you are being chased by zombies and you have to stop to change weapons. U get hit, bleed and since u take your sweet ass time changing weapons, the zombies break your bones or knock you out.
  9. Hey all, I just thought that it may be of some use to add a party/group system. How It Functions/Operates: One player will invite another into a party group. Once joined, the players within the group cannot hurt/friendly fire each other. This basically prevents people accidentally friendly firing your friends. Give it some thought and comment :)
  10. Hey all, There is two things i need to ask about Arma 2 in general then about DayZ. Firstly: Are their any DayZ clans that operate off of cracked Arma clients? if so, can i please grab a link or a way to contact the clan members? Secondly: Does anyone have any spare Arma 2 and Arma 2:OA CD Keys. It would be easier to find a clan if i had an actual authentic CD key. Since im currently unemployed and looking for employment, i cannot purchase a copy. So hoply someone can be a saint and spare one. Thanks all :D