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Lethal (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Lethal (DayZ)

  1. In the past few days, I haven't been able to see what others would say to me in direct chat. A lot of times people would hear or see what I said, but never could I. I know this is not an audio problem nor is it because I am not close enough. I even tested it out with me friends and they helped me confirm that it wasn't working for me, yet they could see and hear what I said. Vehicle chat seems to be working fine though, not sure why. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Lethal (DayZ)

    vehicle disapearing after server restart

    Probably a hacked heli. I heard they disappear after server restarts, I may be wrong though.
  3. I'll give you three AS50s for them x] Found a tent last night with them, but there is no ammo for them. I'd have to go check the campsite again to make sure they haven't been removed, though.
  4. Either way, people just respawn till they get the spawn they would like. Everytime they do this it creates a new char in the DB and that takes up space so Rocket stated he would rather have us choose our spawns rather then respawn 20x.
  5. Lethal (DayZ)

    What was your first death?

    Spawned in quarry. Picked up hatchet. Got chased by zombies and gave up trying to run away after 10 mins of running and got killed.
  6. Lethal (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    facepalm to the max
  7. Lethal (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Oh and also, I would really like to add something. I noticed you seem to like "The Walking Dead" series and there is one suggestion I have for you. You know that scene where there is a traffic jam with all the cars? That would be a really nice implementation to the map. Only a few of these cars would be repairable or they could all be non-repairable vehicles some filled with trash some filled with some good loot. This place would have loot that you would imagine people taking when they are fleeing during an apocalypse (food, drinks, maps, knives, backpacks, tents, etc.) Just an idea.
  8. Lethal (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    After reading all 26 pages, I realized that you actually take the time to read and reply to our responses, which I really like. I would like to ask one question though. Around when could we expect for the infected to quit jerking around so much making it so hard to kill them. I understand that they are much faster and different, but with the enhanced speed there is so many bugs. It makes it so hard to get a clean shot on them especially since you have less than a second to fire after you turn around from running. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this well but I'm sure you must have noticed it aswell. Try it out yourself! Pull out your pistol (inb4 that's what she said), get chased by a zed and have them catch up, then turn around, take aim, and try to fire at the head. It gets kind of frustrating and that is the reason behind the low number of zed kills for all the different players. It's because most of us choose to lose them through some trees/buildings oppose to going through the frustrating process of turning around and shooting them while they are munching on your eye balls and losing so much blood to just one zed.
  9. I just spotted a fighter jet at the NWAF near some trees and it looks fully functional. I saw a blazing fire at the other and of the fire so I decided to hit the wall and move towards it and that's when I noticed this aircraft. Is it hacked? Or is it just a non-functional plane that has always been there yet I have never noticed. I'm afraid to enter and see if it's functional cause I don't want to be blamed for a hacked aircraft. >.< I can try to post a picture but I'm not sure how to screenshot when DayZ is in fullscreen and I don't know how to put it in windowed mode either. The name of the vehicle is A-10.
  10. Lethal (DayZ)

    Just Found a Fighter Jet

    Also, is this helicopter also the work of the hacker? Cause the fire has been going on for wayy too long.
  11. Lethal (DayZ)

    Just Found a Fighter Jet

    1. I did not want to get in the jet to fly it buddy. 2. "Is it hacked? Or is it just a non-functional plane that has always been there yet I have never noticed." I was wondering if this was maybe a non-functional jet that is a part of the map. 3. I was also wondering what I should do meaning if they want players to report these kind of things. Don't come in the thread just to flame me man, calm down and loosen the stick up your ass.
  12. Lethal (DayZ)

    Just Found a Fighter Jet

    Done. Didn't think I could convert it so easily. x]
  13. Lethal (DayZ)

    Just Found a Fighter Jet

    FML I set up camp in this server too. I've heard of them finding the locations of campsites and just destroying them for the hell of it. ------------ Anyways, here is the pic:
  14. Lethal (DayZ)

    Just Found a Fighter Jet

    I don't want to mess with this hacker's shit >.< He'll blow me to bits. Should I just leave it there and go on? And how can I take a screeny when the game is fullscreened?
  15. I have only died from zombies twice and those were the first two spawns on the first day I started. From then on I've probably died 5 times from bugs and 15 or so from PvP. I usually keep a character anywhere from 3-10 days before getting sniped. xD
  16. Lethal (DayZ)

    Lumberjack Diaries [Epic Bandits Strike Again]

    Oh I've been watching your videos for a while! Was surprised when I saw your name on the forums. Keep up the good work! x]
  17. You think you could help me out with this? I've been searching for a week and I dedicated 5 hours into it today and still didn't find anything.
  18. Lethal (DayZ)

    Zombie Survival My A***

    Even if you are correct, he's ranting. He can't blow out steam by fucking searching and reading someone else's rant.
  19. Lethal (DayZ)

    Best place to hide a boat?

    I did this and it was EPICCCC
  20. Lethal (DayZ)

    What gun did you find the first time?

    First gun I picked up 5 minutes after my first spawn. I put a bullet in one of the zombies brains and before I know it, every zombie across the fucking map was running towards the sound of me ringing the dinner bell.
  21. Lethal (DayZ)


  22. oh.. that explains a lot. I was in the grocery store in cherno asking a dude for 5 mins if he's friendly and he was just standing there staring at me for 5 mins not moving an inch. Was about to blow his brains out but I realized he didn't have a weapon and if he managed to find one, I was hoping he wouldn't just come sneak around and put a bullet in my head.
  23. It's perfectly fine. Last patch they would aggro too easily and we all complained so they fixed it.
  24. Lethal (DayZ)

    looking for a small team with skype

    Add me on skype! Skype: Articine