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Posts posted by superultrakami

  1. Hey guys, been playing with my boyfriend for a few days, but our main server is bugged. We've hopped around a few other server but they are all full of bandits! D=< I survived with most of our good stuff, and I want to join up with some other people to play together!

    You can hit me up on steam: super ultra kami

    or Skype: superultrakami

    <3 <3 <3

  2. I'd like to join with my friend, we're USA west coast (gmt -8). We have medium experience level, we never ever shoot on sight, we'd rather be friendly and trade. We have a tent and a few supplies, lost a lot to bandits though.

    My skype is: superultrakami

    My steam is: super ultra kami

    In game: Mandy
