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Everything posted by 8thful

  1. 8thful

    elektro hospital window wouldnt break

    v1.7.2.4 Just had this happen for me, window did not break upon contact with any object (tried axe, makarov, m24, empty)
  2. 8thful

    Hand Axe Suggestion

    You can swap from primary to secondary decently efficient, but to swap from primary weapon to primary axe, it just doesn't work. You either have to what? Drop your weapon or place it in a bag you probably don't have space for. Simple solution is to allow axe to be secondary so I'm in agreement. Other simple solution I am totally okay with is easy finds on silenced secondaries such as a silenced pistol. Plus side is silent kills from distance, down-side is that unless your getting headshots on zombies, your ammo is going to burn down from 3-4 shots to kill.
  3. First thing I said after playing Day Z, why can't I drink this pond water, I'm dying of thirst.
  4. 8thful

    Too much complaining about 3rd person view

    There are people who rather play the game in 1st and people who rather play it in 3rd. I myself find the game far more entertaining when I travel in 3rd, it is also much easier on my sensitive eyes (first person shakes too much even when you are just make a new character and start running). As for using 3rd to look around corners, I don't consider it cheating if the server allows 3rd person because that is how a 3rd person shooter is meant to be played. Is it realistic? No but for many it enriches the experience. The simplest solution for those who finds it ruins the experience is to go play on a server with first person only.
  5. 8thful

    Using a flare to start a fire

    I approve +1
  6. 8thful

    My Good Suggestions List and discussion.

    This is such a great topic, OP really knows his stuff. I'm in complete agreement with just about every feature you mentioned. I'd like to support the original threads as well but many of the links were not working for me. So I will instead support this thread. One suggestion I have in regards to ammo (and I was discussion this with another player) is a belt slot or vest slot where we can store primary weapon ammo. I am currently dissatisfied with the amount of slots primary ammo takes up in a bag (you don't really store ammo in a bag, you store it on a belt or a vest or pockets for easy access in terms of realism. Lets say you get a nice M4 with a silencer, you aren't going to pass up ammo when you come across it and yet the more ammo you take, the more you screw yourself in other areas. I would say the same thing for bolts (Quiver fix?). I would like to see new items such as a belt, or vest or quiver to improve ammo-storing for primary weapons. Not sure if others feel my slight frustration in that matter.
  7. 8thful

    Nighttime is NOT realistic

    Authenticity IS the name of the game. As I believe it has been stated, ARMA II was not made for night so I'm still pretty happy with what Day Z has managed with the night. I've found most of the time a simple up in Gamma can fix the issue but I really enjoy the the semi-lit up night with the moon and stars where you can still see everything decently well. I wish this or a slightly darker version of it were the far more common version of nights but I don't feel they are. There is a version of night that is completely pitch black, not even gamma-raise will save you and I'm with you OP, it is close to unrealistically dark if not unrealistically for a few of us (depends on where you live). I believe the issue is known but I'm not sure what the solution is if there is one. I would suggest though to either take an official poll and see how many people prefer this absolute darkness and how many people feel it should be taken out because I can tell you there are plenty who prefer absolute darkness for the advantages it gives those with night vision. It also makes chemlights, flashlights, and flares far more useful (Many of us simply do not use them on a lit-up night, or semi-dark night (gamma-raise fix). I personally do not mind the pitch-black, when I die in it I blame myself for not being prepared with lighting tools.
  8. 8thful

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    Same game-breaking bug, happened for me all during July 10, 2012 - 12:01 AM to 4:00 AM across multiple Chicago servers. Hope this issue is noticed and there is a fix/explanation on the way.
  9. 8thful

    Character wiped

    Same exact thing happened to me all during the early morning of July 10, 2012 - 12:01 AM to 4:00 AM. 4 Characters completely removed from game across multiple Chicago servers.
  10. This is a game-breaking bug for me, I have been unwilling to play because I've had 4 characters that were deleted (character disappeared upon re-login and recreated on beach [no male or female option] because of this bug). Date/Time: July 10, 2012 - 12:01 AM to 4:00 AM Currently Installed Version: v1.7.2 Servers: Multiple Chicago ones (About 7) System Specs: Windows 7 64-Bit, 8 GB RAM, AMD Phenom II X4 995 Processor 3.20 GHz, Nvidia GeForce GTX 470
  11. 8thful

    Teleporting back to a previous position

    This happened to me all during the early hours of July 10, 2012 at around 12:01 AM to 4:00 AM. I would not teleport back to previous position exactly, I would create a character, play for an hour and make fantastic progress. My server would start to lag dramatically (about 6 Chicago ones) and I would not be able to pick up items. I would then Abort and disconnect (not being chased by zombies) to switch servers and upon relogging, I would be back on the coast completely started over. It was quite frustrating to have my characters deleted, I am just posting here since this issue seems related.