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Everything posted by Nichols

  1. Nichols

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Bring on the dogs so I can shoot the fuckers!
  2. Nichols


    Put a CLP like Froglube (not just because I sell it) into the game but because you need something to keep the rust and carbon gunk from clogging up your gas tube or chamber.
  3. Nichols

    Radio + laserfinder?

    Laser designators have two thermal modes and a NV mode as well as being useful for scoping out a target as part of a sniper team. Much like the Rangefinders are but you don't have to have NVG's in order to use the laser designator. I am carrying a set I picked up off a dead hacker in my Public server dayz character. I have yet to find stuff like that since starting to play on white listed servers.
  4. Nichols

    Dragging dead bodies.

    You already have a shovel...its called an entrenching tool and it is used to dig holes in the ground by the military all the time. Some very large and deep holes have been dug using said E-Tool.
  5. Nichols

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    WOW this is going to be awesome!
  6. As I have said before in another thread...the way to end scripting of items is to write in a simple code that will kill a player who tries to run a script on the server and then have that code report to the Battleye client the CD key so that script running player is globally banned automatically. This way little johnnie who runs to mommy or daddy to get the credit card every week or so for a "new game" will eventually get smoked by mommy and daddy who will start catching on because funds don't grow on trees.
  7. I am going to take what you said and use it to defend my usage of the weapon that I found in a hacker camp on Skalisty Island on US204. Yeah I have used the AS50 TWS and will use it to be the angel of deliverance against those tards that snipe people coming out of Elektro or Cherno. It has enough resolution on the thermal that you can tell if someone is wearing a ghillie and what type of weapon they have on their character out to about 300 meters. Anything past that and they are a blob for the most part. I run with a spotter and another couple of guys most times and we don't engage targets out past 900 meters because we have a hard time getting good views of them. Also the other guys either pull security for us as the sniper/spotter combo or we as the sniper/spotter combo guide them into CQB range on the other snipers on the hills looking down on Elektro or Cherno. It is our way of killing the dweebs that kill for sport. If I get killed I can respawn into any number of hacker camps on servers and regear my character in less than 20 minutes usually. The only weapons I carry are the M4 SD and the AS50 TWS for just that reason. I don't use it to kill without carefully establishing a pattern that the other parties use and I also use it to clear a path from distance for my buddies as they enter areas as the over watch. The spotter carries a DMR and rangefinders so we can engage any target we feel necessary. So ban me when I come on the server, no big deal there are thousands of servers to play on with the settings that I enjoy and I donate to those that I frequent also to help keep them afloat so they don't shut down. I am not there to kill newbies, I am the angel of mercy to those who want to run around and play in the high traffic areas and I am the angel of death for those who want to kill them.
  8. Double Standard about to be posted below by MurQ.... Yeah go ahead and report this name please. It isn't going to get you anywhere; as for me knowing it was a hacked weapon...well I didn't learn it was a hacked weapon until AFTER it was in use. As for being part of the problem; nope I am not part of the problem because I don't go around killing the "coastal cuties" unlike what you probably do on high population servers with the other asshats that do it. I on the other hand like to hunt for ass hats that take pleasure from killing newbies on the coast. The way to end the hackers is the following way and its pretty damn simple...IF you execute a script on the server you get killed...period and you get automatically banned by Battleye...end of the story. Want to guess how many times mom and dad are going to hand over the credit card so junior dick can keep buying the game keys on STEAM or somewhere else before they cut that crap off. Punishing players who have picked up and use hacked in weapons is not how it is done. You sound just like a liberal eurotrash whiner talking about gun control...if you control the guns; you control the crime....BS!
  9. Nichols

    Hiding player bodies..

    First I rarely go back for my body unless I happen to spawn in within a klick of where I got smoked...then I will take the chance because most of the whiners in these threads log out after shooting you so you can't come back and kill them. Secondly the only time I or my buddies don't hide a body is when we get the login screen bug. Generally if at all possible the guys pull security and try to ruck out all the gear that we have while we haul ass from the coast back to our camp or previous location. Any one that complains about someone hiding your body is a whiner who doesn't need to play with the big kids in the game.
  10. Nichols

    Blowing up a chopper

    I believe a satchel charge just might do the trick to a parked helo just like it does to parked trucks, cars, etc...
  11. Nichols

    Infected dogs and scared shitless

    I have stated this before...I can't stand the thought of having a dog to care for in the game. If dogs are forced on us as players I will shoot mine and then proceed to start shooting other dogs instead of players just for the hell of it. I have dogs in real life; what makes you think I want to have a virtual pet of any type shoved down my virtual throat in a game. I would like to see the implementation of wild animals like Bears, wolves, etc... that you have to survive against as well as the basic food animals in the game also. However you should be able to harvest meat from those non-farm animals also.
  12. So if someone was a legitimate player like myself and several others that I play with that have picked them up off hackers we have been fortunate enough to kill we should be reported??? You sir are a freaking idiot. The weapon itself is not any different than the non-thermal version. The scope has real limitations and just like the scope on the L85 it isn't accurate but you can adjust for the inaccuracies. The power of the weapon is not the weapon itself...it is the fact that whiners and snipers who like to hunt newbies can't hide from players that steal or use the weapon. I have publicly outed the camp where we found them on US204 and it has been raided/looted/satchel charged to high heave over and over but all they have done is spread out the tents all over the island. It doesn't change the fact that they are still in the game and until they do a complete database wipe they will be in the game. BUT then they will be right back in the game as soon as some script kiddie spawns them into the servers.
  13. OH FFS People it is just a gun in the game. It isn't over powered any more than a M107 or regular AS50; it just allows you to hunt more efficiently. I found one...well several dozen in fact on US204 and have been using one for a couple of weeks now. I use it to help guys get off the coast and to kill bandits/snipers who are trying to kill the newbies coming off the coast.
  14. Nichols

    Found AS50TWS take it or leave it?

    I found one in a hacker camp and have been using it to good effect...usually to cover newbies running off the coast and give them a little hope.
  15. Nichols

    To the guys in Polana on US 9

    Funny it could have been my buddies you brought the crap down on...we are always hunting gear around Polana and finding crazy things around there as well.
  16. Nichols

    [Standalone] M.O.L.L.E Vest/Backpacks

    Dammit man two great posts...I know this is a "post apocalyptic survival type mod" BUT even then finding and utilizing dead soldiers gear aside from camo clothing, weapons and ghillies would make this a completely different game. Instead of having medical items taking up back pack space make it where you can locate or build a medical pouch that you can attach to your vest or backpack. Also have a weight component built into the game where the player gets tired if he is trucking it across the map on foot carrying two primary weapons and a side arm plus a couple of hundred rounds of ammo, food, etc... I know its a game but make it have some consequences for loading up with all kinds of gear.
  17. Nichols

    Reporting hacker

    Well then he spawned in 2 choppers and an ATV...go smoke his butt and kill him repeatedly. Some buddies of mine had a script kiddie drop in a UAZ on them and try to run them over up north of Black Lake on a different server a couple of nights ago.
  18. Tent camp is in shambles now after we used satchel charges to blow up the V3S in the middle of the tents and sandbags which were setup like a maze on the camp area. Coordinates of the camp are close to 140/125 and they still have more goodies and gucci gear in there to help refit an entire third world army with M136 rocket launchers, 100+ jerry cans full of fuel, main rotor assemblies, M4CCOSD, M203, etc... We tried to blow up the M136 rocket launchers but thought we would fire them off just to see what they looked like and we were a little disappointed when we saw that they only looked like our side arms which are M9SD's now. Also we did snag a couple of AS50 TWS rifles just to play with them for a little while; I really like the way the scope looks like a periscope on a submarine. BTW we are glad to advertise locations like this; especially to help new spawns off the coast because you can swim out to the island without loosing your gear. However it does take a little while to get there with your flutter kicks but it is well worth it since the zombies do not spawn on the southern end of the island and you can snag all kinds of gear out of the camp without feeling like an ass while you do it because you know they stole it or hacked it into the server.
  19. Yes the group I run with has had several vehicles on US 9 and US 10; however those same vehicles tend to disappear or move around a bit on server restarts.
  20. Nichols

    US204 possible hacker camp found

    We did drop them. We only used them to kill some cows and pigs on the mainland from the top of the hill on the island. Mostly just to see how far out we could shoot them to have fun without killing players. Those AS50's are now buried with a few zombies all around Kamyshovo and the coast.
  21. Nichols

    Hive Down?

    Copy that unable to join as well and we were all working on a couple of helos.
  22. Nichols

    Connection failed?

    Yep same problem trying to get into US 10, US 9, US228, et al...
  23. Happened to me a few times since the last patch...guess what your gear should have stayed in the same place you were in until the server restart and then it probably disappeared but you can always run back there and check your last locationon that server.
  24. Nichols

    Hackers are pussies too.

    I always bury the hacked weapons with the bodys of guys I find. I don't use them and only hold onto them long enough to put them on the body before I bury it AFTER I raid their other gear to replace or fill out what I need.
  25. I can vouch for Laniakea (Jeff) here. Unfortunately my system nuked the screenshots on MG36 guy so all I have is a name, server and approximate time of death for both times we got him. First time when we were trying to reacquire our van and second time as he was trying to roll back in and get his gear. Which promptly got buried in the hillside after we looted all his necessary good and proper gear.