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Napoleon Solo

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Everything posted by Napoleon Solo

  1. Napoleon Solo

    The #1 mayor is back in town !

    After a small hiatus at his secret wilderness retreat, the magnificent adventures of Mr. Solo continue. On the hunt for bandits on a nightly sortie to the desolate town of Berezino, cold and shivering, our hero stumbled on a branch and caught the attention of a sniper. Just moments later the bullet struck like a lightning and he fell bleeding to the ground. As he lay unconscious for half an eternity, he thought his days were counted, but miraculously managed to crawl his way to a wall and patch up. Using various diversion tactics our hero switched position to one with an overlook of the crime scene. Passing out a number of times, he waited for the bandits to approach his old position. Coughing, he advanced toward a restaurant to look for food. After passing out on the street, he crawled his way there and walked up to the second floor. Seconds later steps were heard. Had the petty bandits been looking for him? Napoleon took cover behind a table and proclaimed that those who failed to identify themselves were to be shot on the spot. Meanwhile, steps were heard in the stairs, a looter peeked into the room our hero was located in. The thug didn't get the opportunity to fire a single shot. Justice was served immediately.
  2. Napoleon Solo

    Can't join most servers

    On Win 7 x64 I have this problem as well. I can join the servers, even if they show a ping of 2500. But I tend to use filters. The servers that get 2500ed are usually the ones that earlier had best ping.
  3. Napoleon Solo

    When to trust people

    We are just enforcers of Karma.
  4. Napoleon Solo

    THE Firewood thread

    Napoleon Solo thinks that wood should be picked from forests just like water is refilled at its source .
  5. Napoleon Solo

    DayZ Screenshots!

    To get tags on your car you need to make a squad.xml . There is a tutorial on this for ArmA on the net. However, I had the impression that most servers prohibit custom data > 0 bytes. Does that squad thing count as that?
  6. Napoleon Solo

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Eminent citizen Napoleon is worried about wood logistics. He feels that forests are being treated as gardens or well managed parks, when there in fact is lots of wood lying around just waiting to be picked. He thinks a simple solution would be to make player triggers in all forests, so the wood action at least appears somewhere in their middle.
  7. Napoleon Solo

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Napoleon always finds loose branches and wood in the forests he frequents. If a branch is too big he splits it with his fire.
  8. Napoleon Solo

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Napoleon Solo VERY MUCH thinks that wood should be picked from forests just like water is refilled at its source .
  9. Napoleon Solo

    Water bottles vs. ponds solution

    Alright, I'm not sure how it's done after the patch, but with the dot product method vey few operations are needed. Basically it's if ( (corner1.y - corner2.y, corner2.x - corner1.x) dotP (player.x - corner1.x, player.y - corner1.y) > 0 ) { is outside } 8 instructions. As soon as the two closest corners have been found in a loop (worst case maybe #corners * 10 ops).
  10. The Winchester is mostly close range, but it's great against Zombies. I don't know the average distance of first time player encounters (or firefights), but my guess is that it's beyond the meaningful range of a Winchester - which is why I use the Enfield.
  11. Napoleon Solo

    PC Performance question..

    But with that resolution you should set your fov manually, because you'll be at a disadvantage compared to widescreeners. I run 1920x1200 at minimum settings with about 60 fps on a GTX 270 and i7 920.
  12. Napoleon Solo

    In game moral dilemma

    Sometimes you have to take the risk to trust people, because you'll end up dead anyway if you take on enemies without support. The benefits of finding an honest traveller is much more worth the risk, than not trusting someone. But that doesn't mean that people should point their gun at you.
  13. Napoleon Solo


    Napoleon Solo supports this idea. It's possible to bind a key to a surrender animation, however, it just raises the hands and puts them down right afterwards. Only griefers would shoot people who can't shoot. It adds to safety for all.
  14. Napoleon Solo

    Long term survival is pointless

    With the new patch it will be harder to see who's who. Bandits will surely have the benefit of shooting first and asking questions later to get better loot faster. Their strategy will probably accumulate more loot than what lone survivors can do alone. The builder/survivor strategy is likely more efficient than the bandit strategy once its done in groups who collaborate and share loot to improve group stability (i.e. making sure people don't get too much more than others, and that people who are without things are next in turn, removing incentives to kill team members - they are more valuable alive). Bandit groups on the other side are likely less stable than survivor groups and disintegrate with lethal outcomes more often. In the beginning with a badly organized community I guess bandits will have the upper hand. But as players tend to organize I think survivors will have the edge in the long term.
  15. Napoleon Solo

    Water bottles vs. ponds solution

    Great idea. How are you checking if an object is inside? My first naive approach would be to compute the distances to all corners. Then take the closest two and compute the vector between them. Then get the vector perpendicular to it and dot product it with the vector from the player pos to one of the corners. Then read the sign of the result. For optimization purposes it should only be computed when the player triggers a circular area around the lake by his presence.
  16. Napoleon Solo

    Losing your backpack in water/filling up water bottle

    I think you can swim with your gun. At least I didn't have problems with that. The backpack doesn't disappear, but if you drop it too close to the water or at some bad ground it can get teleported to some other place in the neighborhood. I found out by not giving up my search for it once, it appeared on the other side of the pond and looked like a stone from a distance.
  17. Napoleon Solo

    Bandit list.

    Name: NATO (clan - some seem to do the shooting, but they are all involved) Location: NE AF, 12h ago on NO2 . Probably camping in the area to the SE. Appearance: Mixed Gear/Skin: Likely voice comms. Snipers and light weapons. Status: NE Airfield. One heavily injured or dead. Two more alive.
  18. Napoleon Solo

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    The game can force view distance. With the next game patch they should add a command for forced brightness/gamma.
  19. Napoleon Solo

    The #1 mayor is back in town !

    As long as there is no sheriff and no deputies around, my brilliant Enfield and I are dealing with matters personally. It speaks so loud and clear, it even sings songs of true beauty to the wicked who come in hordes to enjoy the metal. Today, I was on the heels of a number of operatives from the criminal survivalist-banditry organization [NATO]. I feel they are in cahoots with THRUSH and somehow responsible for this whole epidemic.
  20. Napoleon Solo

    Zed's more lifelike on three screens

    Cool, what's the small center screen for? Control Panel for flight sims? TrackIR would probably be great for that setup.
  21. Napoleon Solo

    Bandit list.

    Excellent initiative, map grid coordinates would help as well. Napoleon Solo will be watching this thread closely, and the bandits from his crosshairs.
  22. Napoleon Solo

    low fps

    In the first Benchmark I get over 60fps, in the second 10-20. I guess I have about 60fps most of the time in this mod. Maybe you need to defrag your HD. It could also be the CPU.
  23. Napoleon Solo

    low fps

    All low @ 1920x1200 is my fate (except AF). My GTX 260 has served me well, now it's time to change. However all GPUs are out of stock, so I'm stuck. Trees 50 meters away are actually sprites for me. :P
  24. Napoleon Solo

    The #1 mayor is back in town !

    I serve Justice mostly on European servers like DE or NO. However, rumor has it that you're actually a bandit whose plans are getting hampered by the mere presence of Mr. Solo .