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Napoleon Solo

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About Napoleon Solo

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Bio
    Being the greatest Mayor of all time, highly distinguished citizen Napoleon Solo is on a quest to illuminate the shadows of chernarussian decadence.

    Zombies and Thugs beware!
  1. Fellow survivors out there, The bitter truth is that we fumble in the dark right now. We lack the tools we need to hunt the forces of evil down effectively, but together we can do more. This thread is an attempt at a bandit reporting thread. For it to be successful it needs to be stickied. I propose that we list locations of known bandits and their henchmen in this thread for the time being. But we should aim higher than that. Like so: Name: If applicable Team: E.g. Thug Team Twelve Server: E.g. US5 Location: Whereabouts, like Balota AF. Last seen: Local time Additional information: Arms, activities et.c. Status: Alive/Dead (Terminated bandits should be reported in case multiple people are on a hunt). Your info (if you want to disclose it): My name: In-game name. My team: E.g. Karma Warriors My status: E.g. On the hunt for thug X. Looking for support. In the long run this won't do. To improve the game for survivors we have to think about creating an interactive web tool with a simple database of bandits. The user creates a marker on a chernarus map (dots that contain the information above), with markers that fade with time. There's one map for each server (selectable from a drop down list for example). If the server isn't there the registered user (1:1 with forum names here to prevent abuse) can add it himself. Infamy: Calculated from the No. of players who have reported a character. Then you have a most wanted/reputation list like this based on infamy: http://www.aftemplat...ate-229x300.jpg Signed, Napoleon Solo
  2. Napoleon Solo

    The #1 mayor is back in town !

    Being a bandit hunter these days is tough work. You need to catch the culprits while they are raiding the cookie jar or when you are shot upon, but then you have lost the element of surprise anyway, and are at a great disadvantage. My tip is to follow the sound of gunfire, if you are in luck there'll be a sniper hiding in a bush - the archetypical bandit with a substantial deficit below the bullet exchange equilibrium. After a well deserved tuna fishing vacation at the sea, just off the coast of Limnos, Napoleon found himself unprepared, with an axe, outside the Balota warehouses again. Another player with the same equipment approached our great hero from the water side and as we figured that none of us had anything to lose, we teamed up to face the horrors of total decadence and the prospects of saving many a damsel in distress out there in the savage wilderness. We chopped our way through Balota, took the airfield back from the evil that lurked there. Equipped ourselves with excellent guns (maybe the spawn rate was improved, or the justice-team was just lucky). My newfound pal decided to wield his axe in close combat anti-zombie encounters, while I would engage bandits and other threats at a long range. We raided a castle, we found a helicopter crash site (with loot!), that provided some decent materials for future stand offs with human monsters and their zombie counterparts. We found more loot than any of us could carry and we split it equally. At the end of the day we went hunting and lit a camp fire to feast on the less fortunate boars in the area. And as always, justice shall prevail as long as our magnificent hero wields its bright sword.
  3. Napoleon Solo

    Defending our camp at Devil's Keep.

    Napoleon thinks that's why 3rd person should be disabled everywhere.
  4. Do you have what it takes to be a - Bandit Hunter - ? What is a bandit hunter? Bandit hunters are mere karma warriors, who seek to restore peace and order, as part of a natural urge within. It takes the best of the best to clean up the mess that is Chernarus - a THRUSH operation gone right. The chaotic and decadent nature of the place, with its many large now vacant facilities, has unfortunately attracted criminal masterminds from all over the world but also plenty a lesser mind looking for a quick buck. It is now up to the famed Bandit Hunter to restore order and to root out all evil in this desolate land. Do you have what it takes to be one too? Who is a bandit? There are different types of bandits, with different causes and characteristics. Before we begin, let me give you a brief introduction to a handful. Your regular thug. Here seen at work in downtown Elektrozavodsk. The survivalist extremist. Encountered in the northern wilderness. Will shoot on sight. Marvin Elom is rumored to operate out of the Green Mountain Radio Tower facility. The criminal survivalist-banditry organization [NATO]. Operates from the NE Airfield. Count Zark, the suspected orchestrator of the complete epidemic. Location unknown. They may come in many shapes, but they have one thing in common. "They kill people the way people kill flies --- a careless flick of the wrist, a reflex action." I've seen one! Now, please tell me how to do deal with one, Napoleon. - Always carry a rifle for PVP and a lighter gun for close combat. - Got one of those thugs? Good! Always assume there's another one. - When assaulting a sizeable bandit camp, strike fast, and vanish just as quickly. Don't bother about neutralizing everyone's karma in one attempt. - Observe unidentified characters. Approach with caution or avoid contact unless their intentions have been established. - Shoot confirmed bandits on sight. - Shooting from afar? Do as you would close up. Switch position after each salvo. - Don't shoot or snipe from a position where you yourself would look first. - Watch your background. Make sure you blend in. - Use diversion tactics, throw flares and smokes to divert attention from your real position. - Watch out for baits. Usually corpses in open locations or blocked building entries. - Drop your gun and surrender if it's your only realistic option of getting out of a situation alive. - Don't travel by road. And never in the middle of a street. - Go north to gear up. - Avoid open fields. - The north star is your friend. - Drink and fill your water bottles at every source you encounter. - Remember to gear up with a survival kit of at least a knife, matches, two water bottles, a hatchet, before going out on a mission. - Make sure you're proficient with your gun and that the gun doesn't surprise you. Try the appropriate training missions. - Assume your enemy sees in the dark. - Death is preferable to the dishonor of killing an innocent. - Demand identification. - Report all bandit locations to your colleagues. - Never understimate THRUSH and their associates.
  5. Napoleon Solo

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Yes. Last hotfix I believe. I tested it last night with my buddy. It is very subtle but it works. Does it work at any distance? What is the volume of it? Like a gunshot or a foot step?
  6. Napoleon Solo

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Was the humanity heartbeat implemented?
  7. Napoleon Solo near impossible?

    The latest patch was a death sentence to everyone :P However, I found that the best strategy was to not care about the zombies, crawling and crouching didn't help. They will lose you if you prone behind a tree or so, but it's risky. They can also lose you easily indoors, but if you have to engage them you do so easily with the axe.
  8. Napoleon Solo

    The #1 mayor is back in town !

    Again in Berezino, after a break, looking for a tent, and this time without his beloved camo, Napoleon experienced the horrors of the new patches. While on a mission to the office building he crawled across the lumber yard and attracted the attention of a walker. Napoleon knew what he should do, he ran all he could out of town, and at a safe distance he began to unleash his MP5 full automatic on the creatures, but for some reason the zeds ran faster and hit him in a critical blow that made him unconcious. At that point, lying on the plain facing the evening sky, there was nothing our hero could do but to watch the beats feast on him. Luckily, as it appears it was just a bad dream. Napoleon woke up on the shore line and found himself close to a friendly village. Napoleon walked up to it from a distance and suddenly, to his amazement, angry creatures had spotted him. They were running to eat him. The nightmare continued.
  9. Napoleon Solo

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    The hunt is on !
  10. Napoleon Solo

    AKM vs AK 74 Kobra

    You could always try to make an editor test with two AI combatants. Repeat for 1000 times, save the results, and step the range.
  11. Napoleon Solo

    Just put on the ghillie suit. What are my chances?

    I run (the one and only), without any beta patches and camo clothing works great.
  12. Napoleon Solo

    AKM vs AK 74 Kobra

    It's a matter of average enemy encounter distance. In towns I would use the Kobra, while I would use an AKM otherwise. I dual wield MP5 and AKM. The AKM is deadlier. However, I wouldn't spray and pray with it.
  13. Napoleon Solo

    300 m view distance...

    It's all a dream!
  14. Napoleon Solo


    I have played lots of hours (50?), but I have never ever seen a tent-item. I don't even know what the drop looks like. However, I've seen plenty in the forest, so evidently people actually find them and put them where I walk. Napoleon isn't pleased.