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Everything posted by Jgut90

  1. Jgut90

    Why is the forum so dead?

    Not 30 minutes on this thread though.. :P
  2. So I was currently playing on this server and when I was just running to a city I got admin banned. I just want an answer and a reason why I was banned the admin's reason was "HACK MUCH". Can you provide any proof or log that I was hacking? I'm absolutely sure you cannot. Thank you for your time.
  3. Jgut90

    Favourite weapon?

    Zombies: Makarov, hachet, crossbow. Players: M14 AIM, M4A3, DMR.
  4. Jgut90

    Admin Banned on US 3542

    Well I'm sorry sir, I am not the suspected hacker/scripter you are looking for. If you would be so kind to unban me that would be great. May I ask why I was suspected of hacking? You can ask the guys at BMRF #1 DayZ server (I am currently whitelisted there) to give you evidence that I am not a hacker/scripter.
  5. Jgut90

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    It gets done, when it is done. :thumbsup:
  6. Jgut90

    I have a dream.

    Maybe this dream could become a reality a few years from now. :thumbsup:
  7. Most of the players including me would disagree with your suggestion. Humanity is fine the way it is for me, they just need to perfect the current system now.
  8. Jgut90

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Jizz on my beans! :blush:
  9. Jgut90

    What would be a good video card?

    Can't go up to 300?
  10. IGN: James.T GUID:65544e25b970e9a5bb57d984b91211cb Reason: Tired of dying to scripters and looking to have some good times! :thumbsup:
  11. Jgut90

    Sniper. 900 metres, moving target

    The guy was still running after? I don't think he hit him.
  12. Jgut90

    Day Z Standalone

    Try using the search bar before you post. You might get answers pretty quickly if you just search it.
  13. Jgut90

    Global banned for no reason.

    Global bans just don't happen for a reason. You must have downloaded something which stole your CD-key.
  14. Jgut90

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    12/21/12 I'm really thinking this is going to be the date to add some marketing strategy. :)
  15. Jgut90

    Global banned need help

    Sorry but using hacked in items can't get you global banned. You must have done something illegal to get that global ban.
  16. No one can answer you here, only you can. P.S: Hackers can't steal your cd-key by just playing the game, you must've downloaded a software that stole your cd-key.
  17. Jgut90

    DayZ Main Page Statistics

    Great work as always, Matt!
  18. Jgut90

    Awesome Headshot vs AS50 Sniper

    Yeah, I saw more of a torso shot too.
  19. Jgut90

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I sense a December 21, 2012 release date???
  20. Jgut90

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    Fantastic work guys!
  21. "Too busy for twitter! DayZ tumblr update soon though I promise!" - Rocket on Twitter (10/8)
  22. Jgut90

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Guys chill! "Too busy for twitter! DayZ tumblr update soon though I promise!" - Rocket 5 hours ago.
  23. Jgut90

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Rocket said "soon" probably this week? Maybe next?
  24. Jgut90

    Global Ban and Don't Know Why!!!

    Not even Battleye can help you.