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Everything posted by Jgut90

  1. Jgut90

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    An update on the network bubble would be great too. :D
  2. Realize the lack of #DayZDaily updates from me annoys some people. But I've taken a break from forums/reddit/life for the final lap. cu soon - Rocket Woot2!
  3. Rocket should see this. :)
  4. Jgut90

    (AMD) Graphics Card Driver Issues

    SmashT beat me to it. Damn. Haha
  5. Thank you for your observation, Gummy. We all appreciate it. :)
  6. That could be possible in the alpha. Nothing is permanent yet, so you can send your suggestions in the proper area. :)
  7. Hopefully they achieve more milestones at the end of the month. :D I am very intrigued with this network bubble. Makes me want to pop it. Haha
  8. This man speaks the truth! I am currently addicted to RO and RS. I will choose 1st person all the time but sadly from where I live I can't seem to find servers that are 1st person only. I believe, however, the standalone should have servers that are 1st person only and the one with 3rd person also so that everyone can be happy and enjoy the game. Let's face it, some people just like playing using 3rd person but when the standalone comes out I'm hopping to the best server with 1st person only. See you around, gentlemen.
  9. Chill out, man! Go play some other games whilst waiting for DayZ. You will enjoy it when it comes out, just be patient. No great game was made in 8 months.
  10. It has been suggested multiple times. Our answer is no.
  11. People here really don't like the concept of having a safe zone. For example, a sniper would just camp outside of the safe zone and when someone gets out of the said zone *boom* dead.
  12. It's up to Dean to do what is best for the development. He might just present the latest pre-alpha build at Gamescon so people could try it out. No worries really.
  13. Go to sleep, man! You really deserve it.
  14. Jgut90

    Where are all the devblogs?

    It's coming!!!! :D
  15. Jgut90

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Well we have to wait a few more hours because it's still around 8am in the Czech Republic, and usually I get to read the devblog on a saturday morning from where I live. (GMT +8)
  16. Jgut90

    Where are all the devblogs?

    The suspense waiting for a devblog is just killing me. lol
  17. Jgut90

    Leased line

    We are getting a leased line soon (10mbps) and I have a few questions I want to be answered 1.) Will ping be better compared to 10mbps ADSL speed? 2.) What other benefits does it bring (considering the price)? 3.) Is it generally better for online gaming? Thanks for reading hope you guys give your opinions. :thumbsup:
  18. Jgut90

    Where are all the devblogs?

    I now love the word "milestones" because that's the new word Rocket's been using. Nice and brief update! Thank you, Rocket!
  19. Hey guys since standalone alpha release is very imminent I would like to make my "prediction" on when it will be released. Since the Steam summer sale is coming up and usually it is on the second week of July I would like to think that Rocket would release it at that time with a $10 price and he would probably increase the price to $15 after the summer sale. Please share your predictions too! I would love to hear your thoughts! :D
  20. Very true in the mod because of the clear appearance that you are a bandit/hero/survivor. If I would to give my suggestion on this it would be facial scarring/facial grimacing. For example, you spot someone from afar. You can't really see his face clearly from a far but if you get really close to him then you can, in a little way, know if he has been naughty or nice. But to make it fun, you wouldn't be a "bandit" that fast unless you really have massacred a lot of people and I mean killed probably a hundred or a thousand.
  21. Well it was still a plan so nothing set in stone yet. I'm still open to have something very subtle though. Nothing unrealistic.
  22. I don't think there will be. I have read though that they are planning on adding something subtle ways to tell if your a bandit or not.
  23. Jgut90

    The Release Date for Dayz Standalone

    Hmm basing on Rocket's post on Reddit we can hopefully have it by next week on July 15. Bricks will be shat if he releases it tomorrow.
  24. Had a fantastic explore yesterday afternoon only to find an inhabited building with a rifle visible through the window - Matt Lightfoot (Twitter) Hmm does this refer to DayZ?