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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Here's an example of a patch that benefits one playstyle, then another that benefits the other playstyle. #1. "Rocket has now made bandits absorb more bullet damage. Survivors are also weaker." Bandit1: Hahaha yeah awesome. Bandit2: This isn't really fair... Survivor1: FUUUUUUUUUUUU- Survivor2: FUUUUUUUUUUUU- #2. "Rocket has now made survivors absorb more bullet damage. Bandits are now weaker." Survivor1: Hahaha yeah awesome. Survivor2: This isn't really fair... Bandit1: FUUUUUUUUU- Bandit2: FUUUUUUUUU- See what I mean? No matter what changes, there is going to be someone who has something to say against it. There is no such thing as everyone being like "Okay, adequate change.", rather it is everyone raging. When bandit skins were removed I: didn't care. When they were added back I: didn't care. I suggest everyone follow in my example because otherwise you are going to rage sooner or later. As the game incorporates balance it creates collateral damage on both sides somehow. Even though Bandit skins had the majority vote, Bandits and Survivors alike are coming out saying this was a shitty change.
  2. Hour and a half later. No sign of Butthurt Admin video. EDIT: Thread is legit, beans have been given.
  3. The mockup UI must have confused me earlier, I thought this was some huge thread announcing Rocket's work on the Standalone or something. Damn.
  4. Waiting in cherno for an unsuspecting victim... Yeah, you're one of those guys.
  5. I've found that the faster you move the harder it usually is. Also, it helps to be running horizontally away from the bandit rather than straight away from him. Zig-zagging can help, especially around trees, etc.. I've only had people try and snipe me maybe 6-7 times, and the most dangerous thing to do is lay prone and try and find him. Crouching keeps your head down, so maybe that's better than running. I always run though because I prefer to get out of there as soon as possible. Makes sense to me when you say you survived. Snipers in this game usually aren't competant enough for moving targets.
  6. Lol I should have worded that better. He was in the hotel next to us and he had a measly revolver, still, he was a threat.
  7. When I had to kill someone who was probably poor and defenseless. Poor guy never saw it coming :(.
  8. A gunner or passenger will have to switch to pilot pretty quick, or everyone dies. Alt+f4 in a chopper is as deadly as being in a crashing one. If you can't switch seats, you'll have to just scrub the sand out of your ass and start again.
  9. That would be interesting. I like this idea.
  10. What a jerk. Saying friendly then killing is a jerk move, but Alt-f4 as well? Unacceptable.
  11. Is there no way to fix duplication? What about disabling backpack usage from other people for a bit, disabling tents, and during the 5 second logout save your character. I'd much rather have something that punishes the dupers and not just those that play legitimately. I can drop my stuff on the ground if I need to, and I don't have a reason to hoard weapons. Doesn't matter though really. I trust it will get fixed in the time ahead.
  12. Describe moments where you were certain that you were going to die, but lived. I was in cherno waiting for my friend. We were near a couple of apartments and a hospital. All of.a sudden a man walked into the building next to us. My friend was spotted so I had to act quickly. Since I had my breath and the man was standing still it took only one shot to subdue him with a Winchester at about 65-75 yards.
  13. When the entirety of your wal mart trip is spent in the canned foods section and the hunting and sporting goods section.
  14. If you do use it, use it well, as great power comes great responsibility. If that gun were to land in an experienced Electro camper's hands, god have mercy on our souls.
  15. TWS can see at night. People would get suspicious sooner or later. It has a grayscale thermal scope with impressive zoom. It works during the day and night just like the hugely useful L85. So yes, stuff it in a cows ass or something.
  16. I've never lagged so hard that I had to abort, and my family constantly watch Netflix. Plus I have a terrible connection. And also, logging out then 2 minutes later your friends die? You should be logging back in by then, so really you're implicating that you are indeed an Alt+F4g. Also, initial logs can take like 20 minutes, but re-logs can take less than 5 easily. I initially take about 12 minutes to join a server, and if say maybe I get artifacting, it takes about 30-45 seconds to re-log. My conclusion: You Alt+F4 and complain on the forums. Both terrible things to do.
  17. garglemouth64@yahoo.com

    Wipe all tents...

    I think that once ammo reloading and all forms of duplication are fixed, there should be a mass hive wipe of everyone's tents, vehicles, and inventory.
  18. Good post. Sounds Okay, maybe needs polished, but I like it.
  19. garglemouth64@yahoo.com

    Suggestion: Sex System

    Hilarious but obvious troll.
  20. Just out of curiousity, what kills you the most in DayZ? For me, it's bugs :( Still though, I'm curious to know more details about how you guys usually die. Do you die after a long run or do you die after about 5 minutes? Do you die with 20 murders or die with none? Explain a bit about the way you lived before you answer the poll on how you die.
  21. First off, they are not hackers. It is harder to set up DayZ than it is to set up scripts. People who "hack" are really script kiddies. Call them that all the time. Laugh at them. Don't post threads saying how pissed you are, post threads with screenshots and video. Post on their hack websites offering a virus disguised as a "hack". What we are doing now is fanning the flames, and calling someone a hacker might give them a rise as well. Call them script kiddies. That's what they are. +1 this thread if you support my cause.
  22. Yeah, some guy trying to download "hacks" gets a virus. I'm sure his story will hold up well in any form of legal suit. What I'm proposing is fighting fire with fire. When their links to all powerful scripts become possible landmines people are going to think twice about clicking download. And please, think more into the subject. One sentence replies don't do themselves any justice.