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Everything posted by lovelongsought

  1. lovelongsought

    Looking for a group

    Age: 22 I have grown bored of the game playing solo and just want to join a serious / semi - serious group and play from time to time with them. Pm me for more of an immediate response.
  2. I've been solo for the majority of my playtime and have grown bored of it. I'm looking to join you. Steam: Lovelongsought
  3. I've been solo and have tried to join three groups, these groups have either degenerated into childish behavior or started using exploits. I'm looking for people 20+ and a serious atmosphere where what people would say missions are, but laid back if were away from said places, to talk about whatever. Steam: LoveLongsought
  4. Age: 22 / Steam: Lovelongsought
  5. lovelongsought

    Starting a 'Serious Group'

    I'm 22 and my steam name is lovelongsought, I tried to join the TS3 server but it failed to connect. I currently have some things I don't want and would like to start contributing right away.