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Everything posted by TIC

  1. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/my_view_page.php
  2. Just wanted to state that you've posted in the DayZ retail section :P As a friendly reminder for your first post here (Welcome aboard by the way) Here's where you could post it next time if you need any help relating to the mod: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/10-dayz-mod-troubleshooting/ As of current; The mod is best played on Steam since DayZ Commander isn't updated with the recent ARMA 2 patch (Current one in Commander is broken) If this is your issue, go to Steam > Right Click ARMA 2: OA Beta/DayZ > Right click Beta > Select "Beta -" (Make sure DayZ Mod is on 1.8.1 - Most recent) Anything related to performance optimizations on your end; refer to this: http://www.day0.com.au/forum/arma/21-arma-2-performance-tweaks-and-settings-guide Want to make sure you can run the mod? Check here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/146536-can-i-run-dayz-mod-post-here/
  3. TIC

    FPS troubles in Dayz Mod

    This will probably give you an upper hand with performance: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/45835-ultimate-guideinformation-thread-to-increase-performance/ In general, online multiplayer for Arma 2 can create dips in performance depending on the up-time of the servers or what's been actively running in the background (Scripts)
  4. TIC

    DayZ HUD

    It'd be great if it could be merged towards the journal instead. Perhaps there could be words written in the journal saying "I'm feeling quite hungry at this time. I better find some food" just like how it is when you have a weapon.
  5. Do Caucasians count?
  6. TIC

    What are good smooth settings?

  7. TIC

    animals vs zeds

    Perhaps when they have hostile animals, we can watch battles on a hill side of a pack of wolves vs zombies.. ;) If that were to happen, I predict a lot of betting would happen which side would win
  8. I understand. It's only logical :P
  9. Input () Wooden Arrow + Use nearby infected water well, zombie corpse Output () Wooden Arrow (Infected) Tools: Not required FailChance 0.00 to 1.0 //0 is always sucess.: 0 (retrieving the arrow will revert it to normal, poison being 1 use) Enchantments = Additional ammunition for crossbow ActionType = Recipe?
  10. Just the fact the mod has a lot of limitations within the arma engine. Otherwise more things would be possible with a different outcome. That's why the Standalone was developed originally from the mod.
  11. Did you update to the latest beta version?
  12. This is my best guess.. The menu is run off the CPU from the LOCAL machine. This just shows that low fps in ARMA's MP is because the server is suffering low fps which can happen due to various reasons(Not enough restarts, too many scripts) therefore slowing down just about all clients. But then again, I believe this does happen in single player mode as well. Have you tried removing -NoPause ?
  13. Does this happen to all servers you play on?
  14. TIC

    Tents carried on back with back pack

    I like the term "Authenticity" more than realistic.. Having a packed tent around with other items you would be carrying wouldn't even be possible so having it strapped around your back would be great. This is what I'd like to see in the picture below, most of the equipment appears outside the backpack.. If this were possible to be in DayZ, each item that's been inflicted damage would be more varied instead of all items becoming "Ruined"
  15. TIC

    1.8.1 thoughts?

    The only thing I don't like regarding zombies is their ability of seeing survivors too easily when trying to make a stealthy approach. Once spotted, you're screwed with a congo line of zombies behind you and their chance of hitting you(Which I don't mind at all) Simply; vision should be slightly nerfed. Wished they would lose you easily in the dark. Overall for zombies they're great. I love their difficulty. Older models of consumables currently don't work but I always find my way with water wells and food is easy to find as well :) Never died from hunger/thirst. I just wished temperatures were working so it added that extra challenge of the survival elements.
  16. TIC

    Tents carried on back with back pack

    It could work.. If there can be pistol holsters, I'd like to see tents including straps that you could have placed next to your backpack. This should change the affect of your movements though.
  17. This is likely due to an interface being displayed instead of what's rendered in the game, which is related to an increase of FPS when opening the diary menu, map menu and other interfaces that appear on screen. This is normal. Take these to consideration below. These are fairly simple to try which will make a big difference :) What are your system specs?Do you have programs running in the background?Do you use Steam or DayZ Commander?Tried any start-up parameters? (Apply it to both Steam and DayZ Commander)Edited configuration files?Adjusted video settings? (Changing video memory to Default helps significantly, leaving other options on high only results in a single frame drop)Find more solutions: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/45835-ultimate-guideinformation-thread-to-increase-performance/ If those don't work, please let me know.
  18. TIC

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I had a question about zombies which I thought would be pretty cool. Would it be possible for zombies to be attracted to sounds over direct chat?
  19. TIC

    Heli crash

    I'm really curious what the new heli crashes would be like in the future. Hopefully they'd include the option to scavenge components out of them for crafting potential.
  20. TIC

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Couple problems regarding 1.8.1: Gear option may appear on blood trails.Losing your back item slot if returning to previous corpse.Filling blood bags/Temperatures/blood type test not working.Hunger not going up, even after eating 5 cans of beans and relogging. (Think thirst is the same)Back slot item disappearing upon death.Combining quivers result in losing arrows.Zombies seeing you easily (Addressed, upcoming fix)(Will add more to this list when I encounter more issues)
  21. TIC

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I have noticed the zombies are harder to be stealthy. I tend to play in first person and I examine everything around me and when I'm proned, zombies manage to see me about 15 meters away in grass then I'll have this huge congo line of all these zombies chasing me :P Perhaps there could be a way to adjust their visual range slightly?
  22. TIC

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    This update is the only update that'll make you genuinely die from zombies.. I've tested this out and confirmed that the zombies are definitely a lot more challenging but that's what makes the mod fun along with the other features that have been included.
  23. Just run, don't sprint. That'll tire you out much faster. I also think that going in the sitting position will help you recover much faster.. I'm not sure if it has to do with your inventory or what weapon you're using either.
  24. TIC

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Guess we need direct hotlines to contact our close developer buddies :P
  25. 10/10, I'd purchase that fine art.