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Everything posted by TIC

  1. TIC

    DayZ .Dev Bug List

    Makes me wish there was more constructive criticism than sharp jabs at the development when the person themselves lack the skills and talent like Razor does to dedicate the time to patch/update the DayZ mod when I'd assume this is only part-time.. Not to kiss ass but I'm sure not inconsiderate. For a mod; it's pretty damn good to receive all these updates :) In regards towards the hotfix; I have no bug issues lately. My frames have been pretty consistent and zombies are a real fun challenge.
  2. With this gear menu UI coming in, are we going to see improved features like ammo conversions? :)
  3. TIC


    What? O_O
  4. Hi guys, TIC here and after slaughtering an army of zombies, I thought of "Why don't these zombies carry what average people have like a wallet?" For DayZ Standalone. Purpose: Provides a back story to the residents of Chernarus before zombification occurred. Would be great since books will be included. Great learning curve on how players can extend their survival with useful tips. Possibility of adding pictures that you can attach to your diary. With the inclusion of having secret loot; it could give players more of an objective to survive(It could be somewhat quest related such as giving you random coordinates to go.. Like a treasure hunt) This would be beneficial for an MMO-Style move. To add onto the line above; players can participate in these 'Treasure Hunts' to create a bond for Player-To-Player interaction. Gives more motivation for players to kill zombies. More detailed description about notes: -Stories can be submitted by the community (Story introductions will be listed on the bottom of the page which can be expanded upon later.) -Their own thoughts on how zombies have for characteristics such as their appearance or even tips on how to eliminate them. -An ability to add information for you to write with the pen/paper system which will automatically be placed into your journal. Rarity of Notes and why While I'm unsure of what percentage as this is not an confirmed idea yet, I'd believe it has to be a rare drop to make up the majority of zombies being introduced into each server (More than the mod). Not only does this make it a slight challenge to get notes, the stories will last longer especially with different categories of them involved. (Stories can be found as notes left on the ground randomly or on people that are now-turned-zombies) Even notes are confirmed, I want to suggest further ideas on it. "My family fled to Utes for safety" "Zombies have chased me out of town and been on the run since" "After I ate a can of beans, I had massive diarrhea" "I shot a flare gun on the night sky for a possibility of a player coming to my aide only to meet my own demise" Community Submitted "We did not expect it to turn out this way. It was supposed to be an experiment, not the catalyst for the apocalypse. If it ends, if anyone finds this, we are sorry. We did not want this, we are so sorry. Doctors Mikhail Ivankovich and Aleksandr Lesnitsky" By Abu Bakr "Meeting up with UN medical team to provide armed escort to Berezino." By Big Mike (More information will be added onto the topic for further ideas)
  5. I'd like to add that onto these notes that these 'Treasure Hunts' could also give you a chance of bad luck meaning that it only turns out to be a huge horde of zombies to take out but possibly a slightly bigger chance to get a note with that type of information again(treasure hunting) I have categorized it as.. Daily lives Post Apocalyptic Survival(Their perspective; in the end, the notes will be bloodied noting they of course haven't survived.) Secret Loot(Treasure Hunts) Tips Definitely, How about something like.. "Our daughter hasn't been feeling too well. Please pick up some medicine.. Mainly antibiotics(specific type) while you're there! Love you" Not everyone would be carrying notes.. I was thinking along the lines of it being a rare drop so it'd keep the cycle of stories fresh instead of going through each one at a fast rate and reading rehashed ones over and over. This makes it so not all of the previous citizens of Chernarus were story tellers, only certain ones.
  6. Great story Abu. This could give us an idea that the virus that turned people who weren't immune into zombies that the virus was simply man-made that resulted in an outbreak. This story can be easily expanded even further.
  7. TIC

    Question about using 2 computers.

    I believe you'll be able to use the same account since it'll be Steam dependent or if DayZ requires an actual account for you to create since it's going for an MMO-Survival style game type. Using a different computer shouldn't matter.
  8. TIC

    How to stop kill on sight mentality.

    I believe the most part that promotes the PvP is the fact that people are after what's mostly sought for.. Especially high end items and the thrill. I'd recommend that killing zombies should be more rewarding to players like something that you can add to a journal for your own personal record and have some type of stamp on it for recognition. Players always try to find the easiest possible solution to gain for their own advantage.
  9. TIC

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    All that clarifies everything. Thanks Razor :)
  10. TIC

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    This is just a line of suggestions to make the mod even better that I thought would be great :) Fix an issue with the journal as a page depicting your humanity is currently shown quickly then fades to a blank page. Make temperature more of a factor: Cold makes you more hungry since your body uses energy to stay warm. Hot makes you more dehydrated. Certain food/drink items won't completely quench hunger/thirst like how eating canned beans doesn't restore your blood completely. Possibility of fixing FPS issues based on large towns/buildings. Recombining ammunition sometimes disappears out of inventory. Another FPS related issue is also known from the latest ARMA 2 patch, not too sure. (I know this is outside of Zombies but this is really good) Make more sounds for zombies such as eating a player while unconcious. Make trash loot a bit more useful for distracting zombies albeit their difficulty. Study Body function needs to be a bit more specific. Hopefully all is not too much to ask out of a mod :)
  11. I'd also like to have equipment in certain cases and compartments such as a hunting knife.. Without a sheath, it'll cause rips and tears in backpacks especially sharpened.
  12. TIC

    SA Shoe idea

    I'd also like to create makeshift footwear with the new crafting system like such as having plastic bottles.. Even though they won't last long, they'll support you from harsh ground landscapes.. Something along the lines of this: http://farm4.staticf..._d3e51f916f.jpg
  13. TIC

    Can't get 10 + FPS

    Definitely need to upgrade the CPU. It's quite extensive. Try playing it on windowed for better solutions :)
  14. TIC

    [SA suggestion] Hiding places

    I'd like to be able to hide in certain areas of rooms such as bathrooms like standing on top of the bathtub with the shower curtain closed ;) How about even hiding in places like dumpsters and the possibility of finding some loot?
  15. TIC

    DayZ Standalone Suggestion: zombies

    Most likely able to outrun them such as going around buildings then sneaking out quietly or even hide in a room I'd hope. The zombies really did look glitchy in E3 on their latest alpha build but it's an alpha. We'll see major improvements I'd hope :)
  16. TIC

    Zed "Reptile" Vision?

    We really need a definition of a 'zombie' according to DayZ's version :P
  17. TIC

    Zed "Reptile" Vision?

    I like this idea but I can further suggest that we can also hide our scents as well. Since Zombies have poor vision, most senses would improve as well because of this reason. It's only natural instinct.
  18. TIC

    Weird Lag?

    Have you tried playing it on Windowed? Using that will lower the resolution which makes performance a lot better and you can change it to whatever size you want. If Windowed bothers you, try using a black background for awhile.
  19. Hey guys, TIC here and I just wanted to gather every idea that we could have to improve the mod for a more horrifying, entertaining experience. I have posted this on the Dev Bug list and I'd like to bring it upon the Suggestion thread's attention. Here's what I got. Future Update List Zombies should make sounds when eating players on the ground. (Such as chewing, moaning); longer time the zombies consume the bodies, the body will become hidden which could prevent fresh spawn players getting loot back from their previous character if killed by zombies and improve server performance. Lower blood levels should make your player become cold easier, making infections occur a little more often. Study Body function being more detailed (specifying multiple gun wounds, killed by blunt/sharp melee weapons) More clothing options, especially for females Throwing trash items should be noise dependent(tin cans, glass); making it easier or harder to distract zombies. A possible Statistic menu to review your stats after death, replaces the 'You Are Dead' Menu. (Reviews how long you've survived, etc) .. Along with inserting a button to respawn; Making it faster for players to rejoin instead of going through a menu. Possibilities of new melee weapons; Whiskey Bottle(Very limited to about 2 hits before it breaks into a broken bottle to use; causes higher damage by sharp glass) Hunting knife. Methods of preventing infections from wounds such as using alcohol as an antiseptic within a certain time limit.(There's an Infection WIP thread R4Z0R has created.) More visual effects; such as when getting hit by an object, your vision would either flash red or white (A moderate flash, not rapid to cause seizures) Making magazine conversion more expansive. While converting M1911 to .45 ACP; where does that extra bullet go? Broken bone; if you try to run, it'll cause you to get hurt further and will lower your blood count about -250 less and will cause you to shake in pain.
  20. For sure. Morphine just numbs the pain, doesn't fix broken bones. Splints are definitely needed for broken bones which could use more than 1 bandage to apply to.
  21. You know; that's even better :D Thanks man. I'll edit that.
  22. TIC

    DayZ .Dev Bug List

    I think the FPS issues is from the current ARMA 2 Patch. Not too sure though. Even happens to me. Zombies try to hit you, a sound occurs but no damage is done while running. Fireplaces take longer than usual to create, sometimes dupes more than 2 and is misplaced on the ground. Journal shows a blank page when showing your humanity. (Or always shows up as 'Joker' as a card) Future Update Suggestions: Zombies should make sounds when eating players on the ground. (Such as chewing, moaning); longer time the zombies consume the bodies, the body will become hidden which could prevent fresh spawn players getting loot back from their previous character if killed by zombies. Lower blood levels should make your player become cold easier, making infections occur a little more often. Study Body function being more detailed (specifying multiple gun wounds, killed by blunt/sharp melee weapons) More clothing options, especially for females Throwing trash items should be noise dependent(tin cans, glass); making it easier or harder to distract zombies. A possible Statistic menu to review your stats after death, replaces the 'You Are Dead' Menu. (Reviews how long you've survived, etc)
  23. Hey guys, I am currently looking for ways to improve my PC as is. I am specifically looking into more of improving components (Graphics Cards, CPU, PSU, etc) ... If not, then I am totally up for buying a new computer. (I do not know how to make my own computer from scratch, sorry!) My system specs are on this link (Currently all stock components) http://h20000.www2.h...rodTypeId=12454 (Linking my specs simplifies this topic and separates it to create less of an eyesore) As you can see; it's not very great for gaming use but I do definitely plan on improving. I do not have a graphics card. Only running on Integrated Graphics (Intel HD Graphics Family) Budget Limit: Any. Optimizations Done Startup Parameters configured for current system specs. Software such as TurboBoost and RamDisk. Configured Windows 7 for Performance Gains. ArmA 2 .Cfg files configured for optimization.
  24. That'd be nice. To specify a little more; I have done every possible way to optimize DayZ for performance. Just that I really have to set everything on low and playing on Windowed Resolution(1600x900 Native res; I am 708x461 windowed on 100% 3D Resolution) with about 20-30 frames.
  25. It was more of a mod suggestion and I had a feeling it wouldn't really be possible to do that visually. In the Standalone definitely :)