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Everything posted by TIC

  1. TIC

    automatically starts on windowed mod.

    Check your ARMA 2.cfg file in your documents(Windows OS). It should say Windowed=0 if you want it to be full screen. Windowed=1 enables it.
  2. Hey guys, TIC here and I wanted to make a couple of quick suggestions on something I noticed lately and that's people posting on older topics. Older topics will auto-lock/delete after a duration it's been up; say a month. This also depends on the popularity on the topic so it might/might not close depending on post count/popularity(constructive, not spams which then could be analyzed by moderators)Some type of feature where people are typing a "Topic Title"; it'd say "Do you mean this?" And it'd show another thread with something similar to the one that person is about to create. This would eliminate seeing something similar and could organize it much easier. If these are not possible, then I'm OK with that. This could be used as a reference in the future. :)
  3. TIC

    DayZ Forum suggestions

    I agree. This is why my solution I suggested would eliminate that problem(Suggestion 1) so that when topics are long overdue and doesn't reached the requirements such as how popular it was or the amount of posts that it has reached if those posts were constructive, then it'd either be kept or automatically removed. I do understand that topics could be used as an reference but what I was thinking instead is if those outdated topics could be moved to the graveyard.
  4. TIC

    Night and forest

    The thing I have wanted to see at night for DayZ is.. Fireflies to illuminate an area out the field.Ambience such as owls, crickets, wolf howls, etc.Possibility of seeing shooting stars in the night sky.Moon/weather patterns affects behavior of animals at night, including fish when it comes to fishing.
  5. TIC

    DayZ Forum suggestions

    I'd give all my beans up to support that foundation ;)
  6. DayZ wouldn't be DayZ without zombies.That's the main purpose of the game, alpha or not. Surviving in the zombie apocalypse. I say stick with the placeholder zombies as they are now and progress them with patches as they update the game. DayZ has landed their foot on the right ground as an alpha. It pleases the general audience, expands their testing on servers a lot more and issues could be reported much easier with more players.
  7. TIC

    DayZ Forum suggestions

    Reread the top bullet line :)
  8. TIC


    If cannibalism were to be a part of DayZ, then wouldn't that make us the "Zombies"?
  9. Rocket has said the values are being worked out at the moment with how damage affects clothing. I do agree that it should be precise as you said. The thing I don't like is how you shoot at clothing that has pockets, all contents would be damaged along with it. I worry about if someone shoots me in the sleeves of my raincoat, my canned beans would get damaged. This should only affect in the region of where pockets are then again, this purpose is to somewhat reduce "Shoot-On-Sight" mentality even though people follow the motto of "Don't trust anyone" these days
  10. TIC

    DayZ Forum suggestions

    That's the point. Dated topics are long gone but since others post on them, it becomes troublesome. My idea were aimed to compile those topics together if they were to meet the proper guidelines for this case. If this were to benefit everyone on the forums, I don't see any flaws.
  11. TIC

    Any way to optimize Arma 2?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, I heard from someone saying ARMA 2 has the most poorly optimized engine built for the game. I share the same issues of big frame drops, especially around forests and cities. Everywhere else I get about 30-40 average. From what you're getting now is the best you're going to get with that system
  12. I think choosing spawns only promotes "spawn killing". I say this because after awhile, players will start to spawn in the most common areas and the new players who start off will end up not surviving very long as intended. Personally, I'd rather have it just random like it is now. If it's not broken, don't fix it.
  13. TIC

    Devblog :D

    I have some questions towards this Devblog. If someone; say it's you were handcuffed and the person managed to take the keys from the person and give them to you, would you be able to get yourself out of handcuffs that way? I noticed the new rat(looks impressive by the way); would they be able to spread diseases? I believe items that are stored in clothing that can be destroyed by gunfire should only happen if it's hit around the 'pocket region' but can still affect the clothing. Will that change at all?
  14. I think handedness gives us more of a personality on our characters. I'm just not sure if it should be randomly selected to a new character or we can pick that ourselves when we create our character.. Switching whatever hand you use on your weapon can affect you differently like accuracy and strength. This could serve more of a purpose since survivors can have one of their arms broken.
  15. I think it'd cause more of a balancing issue just as an example of how all clothing items are unisex and aren't individually made for males and females separately but combined for both genders to wear. I like the depth of the footwear though :) My small details A small detail I'd like to see is players visibly show symptoms like after running for awhile, they'll start to sweat or their skin complexion becomes a lighter tone if they have some type of sickness.With notes, survivors could put warning signs on walls to post possible threats of bandits or a very large amount of zombies around the area where they were at.(Not really a small detail) More nature at night such as fireflies, crickets chirping, owls to create a great nightly atmosphere. Maybe an possibility of seeing "shooting stars" in the night sky? :)(more to come later)
  16. I heard those trash loots are just placeholders for something in the near future like an ability to play with cards or reading the holy book. Not too sure though
  17. I sure hope so because they're 0% done.
  18. TIC

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Will there be better server browsing? Such as separating official servers away from player hosted servers? I honestly don't like the idea of players hosting servers on the Standalone. It just ruins the experience slightly if they're able to customize the gameplay features such as; don't take these examples seriously as they are just examples "Start off with M4, all tools, vehicles 100%". "we will be funding launch servers so people have the opportunity to try the game before they decide if they want to commit to migrating to the standalone - as the initial state will probably not suit all clans/communities/etc... These will be geographically dispersed, and will run until we feel the community has started to take over the hosting. The server files will be released to all upon launch. It is much easier to setup a dayz SA server. However, we are no longer using gamespy - which means you must setup firewall and NAT negotiation manually for the server (a trivial step for those who actually use servers)." -Rocket
  19. TIC

    Predictions that actually came true

    I predict that dogs won't be in the Standalone at release. My prediction is like shooting an arrow in the dark
  20. At this point, it's all speculation.
  21. I have heard that alcohol was already confirmed and that we could use it as an antiseptic to avoid infections from wounds
  22. TIC

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I could honestly care less about the release date of the Standalone. Rocket is not on our schedule for anything, he's doing what he has to do to deliver a fine product. At this point, sharing our ideas about features is the best we can do to make the game that we will eventually enjoy even better. The developers clearly listen to anything that's more professional and meets standards. Conclusion is; be patient and the time will come for all of us to enjoy the game. We're all on the same ground here.
  23. Disclaimer: Even though this isn't mine, I thought it'd be pretty funny to put this here. Credit to Remuzz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqidU6fXwAA
  24. TIC

    DayZ Metro Map?

    With underground base building in the Standalone, why not have a metro system?