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Everything posted by TIC

  1. TIC

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    This hotfix + the 1.8 update's got me satisfied all the way until the next one comes out :) Thanks dev team
  2. I agree. More variety of zombies the better. That's something that hasn't been really touched on lately. All I know that's different by their looks is that there'll also be female zombies, that's it. :P
  3. TIC

    Standalone Graphics

    I also want to add on to something I found on the Tumblr website. There's tons of info. Source: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/page/2
  4. With the whole redesign of enterable buildings, I'm sure new furniture is added due to the fact the buildings now have well hidden loot spawns. This is easily said that new furniture will most likely make an appearance. If you want to look more, there's various pictures on DayZ Tumblr.
  5. TIC

    Star Fort.

    Directly from BIS Website. With that being said, I don't think there'd be room for a fort of any type. It's too big to fit on the geographical terrain of the Chernarus map as well. (I.E; slopes, trees, hills) and most spots that were open are taken up by cities and towns If this were to be made and placed in a random location, then it wouldn't suit the whole Chernarus location if this map were to be ported in future Arma titles.
  6. It kinda looks like ARMA 3 has hidden tunnels.. Maybe the Standalone are copying that? EDIT: Now that I think of it, since the DayZ Devteam were busy when they were at PAX yet they were releasing some info and now there is no reason that we know of for them to cease their communication, it's easy to assume a release could be possible.
  7. TIC

    Standalone Graphics

    If grass was a problem with keeping ourselves hidden, why not get rid of them altogether?
  8. TIC

    Need new solutions - FPS problems

    Have you tried Startup Parameters?: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters Solution 1:Try playing on a lower resolution instead of native. Sometimes that works.. Solution 2: Try playing regular ARMA 2 instead using the DayZ mod to see if the same problem occurs. Solution 3: If you go to Task Manager, put your process priority for ARMA 2 on "high" .. If you can't enable this, then you can click "Show Processes from all users" (Example image)
  9. Seems to be for now. Probably not needed if a possible release is close. I wouldn't get my hopes up.
  10. I'm not going to go into further detail about it unless you want to bring it upon my attention in a private chat.
  11. That's because hype = sales. Controversies don't create sales.
  12. Just to make you understand, this type of gore would create quite a scene with the public and a whole lot of controversy would come about. This includes games like: Mortal Kombat, Doom, Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt. This would create a scene for the Standalone and the media would give it a bad impression.
  13. What's the point? This isn't Predator where heads are trophies..
  14. TIC

    SA Mountain Climbing

    I'd like to see larger mountains but mountain climbing, I'm not too sure. If mountain climbing were to happen then it'd have to come with risks and I wouldn't think there would be anything rewarding about climbing a mountain in a zombie apocalypse..
  15. I wouldn't buy into any of those perks. In my opinion, it's better off searching on getting what you need which is what makes DayZ, DayZ. With those perks, it only promotes "Pay-To-Win".
  16. Hey guys, TIC here and I'd like to know what people will be doing on their first time in the DayZ Standalone? It could be anything as traveling, pooping in a lake, hunting, or anything else you can think of.
  17. I couldn't agree more with different varieties of zombies(just looks, no attributes) I'd also like to see some zombies drop more of loot such as.. Box of MatchesFlashlightsWatchesCompassOr even binoculars..It also makes us feel that these once citizens were actually citizens of Chernarus carrying such items like I have listed above. This would have to be rare to somewhat moderate to find on zombie corpses.
  18. You know you play too much DayZ when you can't look at a can of beans the same. :beans:
  19. Hold that thought, I'll go find a horse and explore the entire map while in my underwear playing Ride of the Valkyries
  20. TIC


    Even then, you'll have people trying to chase after you with hand-to-hand combat :)
  21. TIC

    Note System. Leave Notes For Players.

    That's not my job to think of it, that's just my suggestion. Perhaps implementing some type of system for it since it is going to be an MMO.. Every MMO has options like these. I did say Really Offensive Words. Perhaps something along the lines of racism or heavily sexual suggestive things would apply to this.
  22. And no grass please.
  23. Even the hills and mountains look different.