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Everything posted by TIC

  1. TIC

    My opinion of KoS.....

    I predict everyone thought the title Kos was referring to the forum member. :P To stay on topic, the kill on sight mentality plays a big role in DayZ as it is a survival game. If you notice games like Dead Rising, psychopaths are known to try to kill others which can reflect on real life on any possible severe apocalyptic outbreak that may put their own lives in danger. The problem with the mod as I can tell is that the zombies are too broken with the limitations of the engine + they're more of a hassle than a threat. Edit: Fixed typos.
  2. TIC

    Knife Takedown

    Fighting mechanics like this should be a part of DayZ. Stealth mechanic should be an important part in avoiding zombies and survivors(potential threat). And also, I'd like to see disarming.
  3. TIC - Hotfix Changes.

    Just as always, Razor comes to save the day for us all. Thanks again man. You rock :)
  4. I definitely like that better. All on one page where the same group of people can go is great
  5. Nope, I had the exact same problem and I was about to ask that myself. I think it's just the Reddit website. Edit: My browser is Chrome.
  6. I have a question. When the standalone is released, will we be having 2 separate websites then? One website for the mod? (here) One website for the standalone?
  7. TIC - Hotfix Changes.

    I wanted to say that the boathouses that can appear in Otmel island can have loot spawning underneath the floorboards which makes it harder to grab. :\
  8. There's only one person working on the network bubble and that's Ondrej Spaniel as he has the most knowledge of the Arma engine. Rocket didn't say exactly when the architecture would be done but while it's being worked on, they're doing other things such as working on a new zombie proposal, optimizations, etc..
  9. I think this thread shouldn't really be referred to as "rewards" but as field experience. We don't get rewarded for living, we just live to see another day. Being knowledgeable is half the battle to staying alive.
  10. TIC

    xBow as a secondary

    The crossbow needs some work. The sights are off and are way too small to see when you're aiming it down. The crossbow seems to be rarely used as well.. I'd like to see the crossbow being used as a secondary. Quiver is already in the mod. You just need to right click on the arrow/bolt. I can agree with the rest. There needs to be a scoped variant.
  11. TIC

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I know how you feel.. I lost countless blood because of this.. I tend to use melee weapons to save my ammo and not be so loud so this happens quite a lot
  12. TIC

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I also managed to find the fishing pole at Otmel island but one problem is.. The boathouse's loot spawns underneath the floor boards and couldn't get it from the bottom of it or the top. I was so close :( Also; zombies tend to hit you if you are close enough and after you have killed them. In the zombie's death falling animation this happens.
  13. I don't think we'll even be getting a devblog for these reasons.. It's been well over a month since the last one; entirely focused on the development and devblogs are the least of their priorities.Rocket has stated he won't be discussing any more #DayzDaily information while he progressed for the "final lap. Cu soon" thing. I'd also like to say Rocket once said he wouldn't focus on "End-game survivalism" until the alpha is out and on Sept. 30th, Hicks has said they were working on that. One can speculate that since there aren't any conventions or other events around this time, we'll be seeing a large-scale testing for all players for the DayZ alpha quite soon. It seems quite promising and it's easy to tell that the developers are quite excited.
  14. TIC

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Not sure if this is the right place to suggest this and sorry if it isn't but.. I'd like to see is temperatures being changed. Seems like our characters are always warm. Temperatures should play a role such as.. Low Body Temp. Total amount of blood on a low scale (<8000 blood) decreases your overall temperature over time. Lower blood = Faster temp. rate drop.Low temperature means less immunity from infections; infection rate increases from viral zombie attacks.Bacterial Infection/Food poisoning decreases your temperature.Low temperature means your body will consume more energy to keep warm which would make you hungry more often.Once on a low temperature, your character will start to shiver. High Body Temp. Higher body temperature means less calories being burnt, less hunger but more thirst.Laying inside tents would keep you warm and protect you from harsh weather(Rain, winds, etc)Higher blood amount keeps your body temp at a normal-high level.Eating recently cooked food and boiled water increases your body temperature. Now that's my wishlist for the future of the DayZ Mod. Temperatures definitely need to be worked upon :)
  15. TIC

    Remember this gem ?

    Those guys were tripping on acid so hard. :P
  16. TIC

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I don't mean to ask this but do you have a knife? Edit: It works fine, they added a mechanic where no one else can be around the animal corpse but you. Perhaps try another server I also want to add that I had a problem with picking up Comfrey Leaves. Whenever I try to pick one up, I get kicked out the server with a "Server Restriction #1"
  17. 5 minutes ago Changed changenumber – 297971 › 300647​ Looks like we hit the 300k mark for the changed number. What's going to happen now? ;) http://steamdb.info/app/221100/#section_history
  18. TIC

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I believe I seen them at NWAF but wasn't too sure. Any idea about fishing poles?
  19. The whole purpose of the delay is to deliver a fine product instead of something rushed. An example being is polishing a pile of crap and expect it to shine, it won't ever shine. The Standalone sure will be good since the mod is more or less a project and it represents the many bugs and issues that are in the mod itself. The Standalone goes deep enough through the engine to modify it to ensure issues like "clunkiness, performance drops, hackers" etc won't happen.
  20. TIC

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I'm just curious about fishing poles and comfrey leaves, where can we find these? :P
  21. TIC

    crazy game ideas for the coders :)

    Trust me, being old isn't fun. Enjoy being young while you can before you get more responsibilities :) Anyway, this idea I think belongs in another mod like Epoch for example. I don't really see this happening in original DayZ as AppleJaxc said
  22. Hicks: Exceptional start to the week, the team was heads down, exciting strides made. I love seeing a sprint board to do column shrink. #dayzdaily Finally an update!
  23. TIC

    crazy game ideas for the coders :)

    I'm not bashing on age groups, arent I?
  24. TIC

    crazy game ideas for the coders :)

    Think before you try to provoke others.
  25. Hey guys, TIC here and I've been having a difficulty with direct chat. No one seems to be able to see my text or hear my mic very well. I have tried.. Changed my audio settings. Running the game as admin.