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Everything posted by TIC

  1. I honestly think something like a wallet that could contain basic information would be much more ideal in which something could contain and ID card or other things that the survivor could consider a valuable item for themselves (I.E; an important note) I believe a name tag would be good if this were to be a crafting item such as using some type of item which would allow the written object to be held onto a person that could be viewed. Something like using a stapler/paper onto a T-Shirt then you could have an option to write what you'd like on it. Whether it's a nickname, title, your actual name, a group/clan symbol or something relevant to it.
  2. Looks like one of the designers of ARMA 3 jumped board onto the development of DayZ. Borivoj Hlava: I've just finished some work on particles for DayZ. New camp fire looks a way better than the old one in Arma. #DayZDaily
  3. TIC

    DayZ Animation "Rambi"

    More if possible :)
  4. TIC

    Gender Inequality?

    This is something I haven't seen in a video game and I'm not sure how this would play out but it's definitely different and unique. If this does happen, this could possibly build a possible social class where survivors of different genders can be tasked to other things that the opposite gender cannot do as well.
  5. Try playing on a lower resolution :) Sometimes that helps especially for the ones that don't have a graphics card. Also try going to your ARMA 2.cfg files in your Documents and set the GPU max frames and detected frames to 1
  6. Ivan: Finding a corn field in the autumn made me think of a little addition to DayZ terrain. What do you think? #DayZDaily pic.twitter.com/Y5NEBEr0e4
  7. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/199-rocket/ Last time he came on the forums was the 24th of August.
  8. It's just an observation, as I said "take note"
  9. If I were you, if you don't want to buy Arma 2 just to play DayZ, just wait for the Standalone's alpha version. I'd assume it's on it's way quite soon.
  10. Hicks: Don't even know what to say, was a hell of a day. The team really kicked ass today. I can't wait for you all to see DayZ evolve. #dayzdaily Edit: Take note that on the Steam database, DayZ had 4 updates within an hour: http://steamdb.info/app/221100/#section_history
  11. TIC

    Adding .50s Back In

    I wish those hueys could be replaced with civilian types of helicopters.. Seems they don't really fit in right with the place.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63UlBsdElsY (Joke intended) :)
  13. Longer the better in my opinion. Would eliminate a lot of issues and have more features.
  14. I'd like to know exactly what they have been doing as well besides "making progress" .. I just wished they were more specific.
  15. Hicks: Post Sprint meeting followed by multi player testing session w/ team. Found a bag, vest and weapon only to die to poisoning. #DayZDaily Also spotted this T-Shirt on the official merchandise shop(Not sure if it's old): http://joystickjunkies.com/dayz/dayz-i-survived-the-alpha-black-t-shirt-3705.html
  16. TIC

    Vehicle Interiors

    Along with car interiors, I'd also like to see manual and automatic transmissions. In Arma 2, all civilian vehicles are automatic which is something I despised of along with the generic car sounds. Something I'd like to see is.. Working rear view mirrors, something like Arma 3 has.Hands actually steering the wheel.Working features like air conditioning/heater, windshield wipers, possibly radio as well.Opening the trunk; if enough room, could throw a body in there or simply gear.Rolling up/down windows.Better vehicle physics.Cars that don't explode when you hit a tree at about 20 km/hr
  17. Just as long as there's coffee at the start of the day :P
  18. TIC

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    I have a question about the weapon switching. (This doesn't happen when switching from a side arm to a primary/secondary) in example; I have a primary, a secondary and a sidearm. When I want to switch from the primary to the secondary, how come it briefly switches over to the sidearm for a moment before going to the secondary weapon? I believe this is somewhat of an issue especially when being chased by zombies and this could be time consuming to switch before a zombie reaches you and finally strikes a hit onto a player.
  19. A lot of people speculate that the picture from Ivan's twitter is believed to be a part of a trailer due to the fact that "BI doesn't just pay for zombie actors to do nothing and have high quality scenery all around the image." (Italicized text is a reference to one of the Reddit user's posts.) Due to it's high quality picture, I can almost agree that this is promotional material as it is labeled #DayZDaily and in correlation with the "final lap" in mind.
  20. TIC

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    I been having problems gutting for all animals again but this time it kicks me entirely off a server saying "Setpublic variable restriction #38" Loot spawning is definitely better by the way :)
  21. TIC

    idea for punish thief

    I like those ideas. Losing a limb should have severe consequences like how it does in reality. This can dynamically change the gameplay. Even if finding a prosthetic, it won't be anything as close to an actual body part that the survivor once had. Removal of a body part could be also used to stop an infected area if no medicine is available.Could kill the person rather quick if not treated fast enough. (tourniquets, bandages) Branding a person could be used as punishment as well or trying to "own" that person.
  22. TIC

    Standalone: Types of footwear

    I'm sure different varieties of footwear is confirmed with different attributes.
  23. Ivan Buchta: Spent Sunday in Chernarus taking pictures: one of the DayZ designers desperately trying to avoid zombies. #DayZDaily
  24. TIC

    Standalone River

    I heard that the geographical terrain in Chernarus could prove a flowing river challenging. It hasn't been confirmed or denied yet. I'd like to see some form of river flow :)
  25. I agree with books that'd give you an idea about surviving in the harsh environment but they must be hard to find. I know this isn't mentioned on the topic but I'd also like to say that I don't want to see survivors developing a new "skill" by picking up a book and reading it since it's all based on your own knowledge :)