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Audio Rejectz

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Everything posted by Audio Rejectz

  1. Awesome work today mate, everything is running good on our server. Are we still getting FTP access today?
  2. Kinda pissed about loosing my server rank when i changed the map, took us ages to get it to 24th
  3. Oo FTP access, now there is a much welcomed feature. Is it 100% full unrestricted access?
  4. Everyone wants taviana almax, but the guy has not released the server files. It appears a few servers have managed to somehow use the files that are available, make there on misson file now and host a taviana server. Not a clue how they have done it though
  5. No mate, all though a lot of ours had high ids, it was doing it with everyone with very low ids to, including mine. In our case wiping our database fixed it
  6. Cheers Ersan, having gone through the the database we had over 16 thousand instances of is_dead 0 with each profile having more than one of these. Obviously this shouldn't be the case and thats why when players died they respawned with all there gear. There was no where we could run any kind of query to delete duplicate instances and leave just one, and doing it by hand would of taken weeks. So i decided to change the map to wipe the database. So at the min the only issue is backups still arnt saving, but im saving them manually at present so its not an issue i cant live with. Cheers man
  7. Ersan, did you get my email? After having to roll back the server it seems to have messed up. No backups are saving and players have multiple is_Dead 0 instances. Meaning when they die they come back with all there gear. Cant delete them all manually as i have over 1280 pages and just under 4000 unique players in our database
  8. Forgot the chopper loot is server side, still it would quickly become incompatible. IMO it would be best to replace the weapons you don't want on player sync, could also do this so it effects loot in a 200 meter radius around you. As player sync happens often in this game it would / should work great
  9. Bernardo - there normal @ tjdz - it can't be done, as far as om aware you would need to efit spawn_loot and then everyone joining would need the same file. You could make it so certain weapons are replaced on player sync as this happens very often so can be quite effective
  10. True, but we have lost players due to them thinking for some reason where not doing enough to try and stop them. Obviously this is the same for everyone but the two features gotyournumber put would definitely make things easier
  11. That new map feature is awesome, really awesome. Ersan, im presuming this live feature uses a lot of your bandwidth, if thats the case it may be an idea to remove the 24 hour red dots. In all due respect, i doubt anyone uses them as after half a day your map can have hundreds on. May free up a little for you. Just a thought
  12. Audio Rejectz

    UK 25

    I have informed our admin, thanks for letting us know
  13. Kid? going by your grammar or lack of it ill take that remark with a pinch of salt. Though under normal circumstances i would read posts carefully, i find myself constantly doing the opposite of this with your babbles on this forum. You contribute nothing, constantly moan and to be honest, i just don't like you. @Trey I find it funny that he's asking if we understand what a server is, yet he dosnt know the correct definition of a log lol Anyway, im bored of him now. He can have fun going through them logs lol
  14. + Beans for you sir. Sick of people like him, can pick the negatives from almost anything. Totally oblivious to the efforts and work this provider has done. We have new features every week, fast servers, a provider who will actually listen to his customers and provide to there needs and will always try to reply to all questions. Whilst staying one of the cheapest DayZ providers around @ Ersan Thanks for sorting it so fast mate, you must be doing something right now if people feel a need to try and put a dint in your service by hacking your servers lol
  15. Are you an idiot or just ignorant? Gotcha parses the logs whilst you have it logged in. All the logs can be in turn saved locally. Says a lot coming from the person complains about private hives "Cheating tools" yet buys a server from the provider with one of the most advanced server maps available. As you can see every single log can be saved locally And for your information a "Log" is to compile,record or amass a specific set of data/events, where this information is 'stored to' has no relevance to definition
  16. Gotcha is client side, you run it on your pc and log in with your rcon details. Meaning you don't need to install gotcha on a server or require ftp
  17. What he's saying is, if you use Gotcha anti hack it saves all the logs for you. So if a hacker does attack your server you can find out how in Gotcha. Combine that with keeping your own more frequent server backups and it resolves what you call dayz.st "issues"
  18. there already allowed, right click on the map add vehicle and put in one of the class names from here http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/index.php It takes 5 mins
  19. See mate, i remember convincing you to put up private servers and it will pick up. Your going to need to hire a team soon ;-) Good to see Ersan and DayZ.st get the recognition and customers they deserve. Never had a single issue that hasn't been instantly dealt with if possible and the amount of work he's put in to bring some awesome features is next level. Recommend these to anyone looking for a host
  20. I cant explain why it does not bring therm back when you roll back, the only thing i could think of is a bug between bliss and 1.7.3 that causes some kind of incompatibility. Thought there are many topics getting created on this same mater with public hives to, so at present everyone is waiting for a fix