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Everything posted by sibexus

  1. There were definitely two on my list, the different between them was the time of day on the server. So strange, just my luck to pick a server for a home that never existed :facepalm: Joined the one that is still on the list and no tent full of sweet sweet loot :beans: Are there any logs I can check that would contain an IP address of servers i've logged into?
  2. sibexus

    hacker on US 194

    I was positive there is, why is there a "main rotor assembly" part that spawns. Isn't this for a heli?
  3. sibexus

    hacker on US 194

    I'm kinda new still, but how is this hacking?
  4. sibexus

    Server Day and Night

    The server names usually contains the time of the day currently in game. Most server names have "GMT" in it. Look up the different between GMT and the time zone you are in. It will have a number after GMT, example "GMT -8". With that you would take GMT and subtract 8 hours from it and that's the current time related to your time. Get it? Maybe someone can explain it better than me. But once you get this worked out, just do a search for the times you want. For example if you know that GMT+12 would be noon related to your time, then do a server search for GMT+12 and you get all the ones with that time. Not all servers have this in the name, but enough do that you shouldn't have a problem finding what you want. There are also benefits to joining servers during night, zombies can't detect you as well.
  5. Some of this has been touched on already, but I haven't seen some of this in other threads. I can understand hunting a cow or sheep with an axe because it's domesticated, but not a boar. As stated in other threads, better scripting for animals would add some more depth, and possibly more danger if trying to kill a boar with an axe. The main idea is as follows: Currently you can only gut an animal with a hunting knife, but an axe should work too. Hunting knives should still give the same amount of meat. Axes should give maybe half that amount of meat. You should still be able to get one piece of meat without any blade, just kill the animal and cook it on the spot somehow. Feedback?