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About p0orboii

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. p0orboii

    Winchester or Lee Enfield? [POLL]

    Winchester has been faithful to me when i started out. Good for starters, while enfield is better for taking down players.
  2. Stock up some cooked meat, it will come in handy
  3. p0orboii

    what exactly is end game in dayz?

    i say it all comes down to your definition of endgame, but there really isn't one. This isn't your typical story driven game.. However, this is your story! You create the story and determine your own fate.
  4. Yea i agree, went down to balota and saw survivors running while being chase by zeds is kinda entertaining. We should give them a chance to fight, and rather not take it away from them
  5. p0orboii

    The Unarmed Social Experiment.

    This is interesting, update on us on how it goes!
  6. ever played the walking dead game? anything is possible. I am in support of this idea. A inmate skin would be quite interesting.
  7. p0orboii

    Stuck at timer?

    hey, same stuff here as well, was shot dead by another player and when i respawn i had a broken bone and fell unconscious with the hourglass not moving at all.
  8. p0orboii

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    Personally, it would be much better if the current zombies would stop zig zagging trying to dodge all the bullets. It's kinda frustrating actually. However i am cool with both kind of zombies but a slower zombies with vast amount of numbers will definitely make me shit ma pants.