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Texas Red

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Everything posted by Texas Red

  1. Texas Red

    Do all head shots kill?

    Crowbars and Hatchets usually take a few well placed hits to kill a full health player. Headshots don't work from the melee weapons, AFAIK.
  2. Texas Red

    Stole That Dudes Bike

    I love doing that exact thing.
  3. Texas Red

    Do a lot of girls play dayz?

    I know of a few who do. Not personally though. I just know that some do, and have seen them on the forums. So, the answer would be yes, based on my observations.
  4. Thanks, I may go check em out. Funny, I was listening to 'What Is Love' by Haddaway while reading this post, and it seemed really fitting.
  5. Depends on which way you are looking at this from. Getting eaten by zombies, then no. 'Other', which is anything else, sure, fine, I don't care.
  6. Just use the respawn button. You can start over again.
  7. Texas Red

    Your wishes for DayZ standalone?

    Not Russia, post soviet-state. Close enough though.
  8. Texas Red

    An idea that struck me - A new Z

    Idea is good, but I personally wouldn't want to play with this. The idea itself is amazing. But I would be scared sh**less if I found one of these. So, personally, I don't like the thought of facing this, but it would be a nice option to have for admins/hosters. Get this to the dev team and you got a chance, maybe.
  9. Texas Red


    I have never heard of this '5 launcher' you speak of. What blasphemy you speak! No, 6 launcher hasn't been updated yet, I think.
  10. Looks like he was spawning some sort of fire, by the look of it. I have no proof. But by the words in the script 'spawn BIS_Effects_Burn', it is why I think so. MIght be those things you see where the whole map is on fire. I don't know for sure of this though. Just guessing what it may be. Did you or someone else see anything about the game that was unusual?
  11. Texas Red

    Coast Spawning, Please Explain.

    Are you talking about that sometimes when logging on, you get spawned on the coast, with all your stuff, instead of where you were? This happened to me once, at NWAF. I left the server a bit from the walls, in the woods. And I spawned back in, but was in Balota instead. Is this what you are talking about?
  12. Texas Red

    Chenarus Country Blues

    Very good job. Could use some work though, IMO. Still very good, for a start.
  13. This is the exact thing. Guns are EXTREMELY EASY to find. But this is the point. The game is MEANT to be hard. Noobs WILL have trouble finding guns. I know I did, and this was back when starting guns were still around. Once you learn what is lootable, then you basically can loot higher-tier basic equipment in about 10 minutes. It IS easy, but you just need to learn where to check. After that, you will be able to loot, just from visual confirmation of a building, and if that kind is lootable.
  14. Texas Red


    Noobs, those snipers. Should be much rarer, the rifles. CZ550's are pretty rare, and are fine. You really only find them in the high value barns, when it's a lucky loot group. But the others can be found right in Cherno, at the tents. Too much rifles, I agree.
  15. I make zombie noises when I am angry, and my family thinks im having seizures.
  16. Texas Red

    Devil`s castle base

    I have done this before, at Zub. I put tank traps, barbed wire, and sandbags around it to form defenses, each in respective areas. It worked. I would go deerstand checking, and the loot would come back in the castle. I survived a long time just like this.
  17. Good idea, overall. My opinion is that the skins/outfits being findable are a must, and that removing forced skins for bandits is good. This will help the game be somewhat more realistic, in the whole view. Great idea, Rocket, looking forward to seeing this in.
  18. Hello all. As the title states, I am looking to recruit a few more people into my team. People I am looking to recruit must fit the following- -Must not be a noob. I don't want a noob who will betray us and steal or stuff, making us waste ammo on him. -Must not try to take the 'lead' role. I don't want someone coming in trying to claim leadership of my group. -Must have a headset. I don't want a person who is using a computer mic, as it sounds terrible. -Must use Steam. I don't use Skype anymore, as it doesn't work for me. Steam calling works. -Must be able to play alot. I prefer someone in the US, as they will be on a closer time zone. Just for your information, at the time of the post, there are me and 1 other person in the group. Post your Steam username in your reply if you fit the requirements, and are looking to team up. I am looking for 1 or 2 people more to work with. Steam username- Texas Red / overlordjwp
  19. Texas Red

    Looking for casual friend(s)...

    Hey. I am looking for some people, and would be happy to add you into my growing team.
  20. Texas Red

    Green Mountain exploration party TONIGHT

    Deathwish. Deathwish. Deathwish. Deathwish. Deathwish.
  21. Texas Red

    Can my laptop run DayZ?

    Reason for low settings is this thing is kinda old. But yes, it most likely will play. I play on a slightly 'newer' computer than that, and can run higher. It is all about when the computer comes from.
  22. Texas Red

    logout timer as possible ALT+F4 solution

    Well, it could be done by jury-rigging certain features of the engine together, and then it might work, in a way.
  23. Texas Red

    Vehicles designed by Al Quaeda?

    This is why I use a bicycle. Everone wants it, but no one can get it.
  24. Texas Red

    What is typically traded for an M24?

    That is how I got one. I tried offering the person who had one an AKM and MP5SD for it, but he refused. So I said, "Alright, how about a BULLET TO THE HEAD!" and shot him right there WITH the AKM I was offering him.