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Texas Red

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About Texas Red

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    North Carolina
  1. If you want to buy it, go ahead. But if we still use these models in the standalone, they will be HD for sure.
  2. Texas Red

    The surviving photographer

    I support this idea. Would be really nice to take some pictures of stuff that you find.
  3. Texas Red

    Randomly died WTF

    Hackers likely. Simple as that.
  4. Well, you logged out ON the bike. That is the problem. If you had logged out off it, you would have spawned on the coast, in normal, functioning state. You were stuck in Debug, FYI. So yeah, your gonna need someone to kill you. Ask around the global chat of the server for help.
  5. Texas Red

    Storing stuff (camp)

    Tent is safest. Stuff will despawn if not. Make sure to hide it well.
  6. Texas Red

    Hazmat Infected

    I would support this, in some form. Really would be a big help to us people who don't have anymore medical supplies.
  7. Texas Red

    M1911, Yay or Nay?

    M1911 is still very effective. Easiest ammo to find, and more common up north than Makarov mags are.
  8. Texas Red

    The T34 Monument

    100% agree with you. Though it would not work exactly like you stated, I still agree that the T34 should be usable. It would be even more a goal then most think of. It would turn the city into even more of a warzone. I wouldn't usually think about trying to use it, but I know I would use it if I found it.
  9. Texas Red

    A New Map

    My point exactly. Gotta keep hidden or moving to live. The urban combat aspect would be very intense, as bandits would drive around in cars, killing all they see. This would give reason to team up, get the best vehicle, and drive around. Also, getting supplies would be easier, due to loot spawns being everywhere. But it would be more dangerous to get it, as people could easily camp the area. Also, it would be more civilian type equipment, less military. But if there was an airport/airstrip, it would have some military loot. Also, police offices would have some too. This would allow you to be anywhere in the city/map, and still get the same loot as you could in northern Chernarus.
  10. I hate this kind of clan, who feels gear is more important than dignity. YOU CAN GET IT ALL BACK, WUSSES! Can you post a link to the video here, when able?
  11. Texas Red

    A New Map

    So, we all know about Lingor Island map, and it is pretty popular. Rocket/DayZ dev-team have said they would make other maps for the standalone version. Well, I have a map idea that we all might like. I was thinking something along the lines of Liberty City, from Grand Theft Auto IV. Not exactly the same, but something like that, big towers, crowded streets, many vehicles in good condition, a few parks, and many more buildings to go in. But the whole map would consist of the city, and nothing much else. This would create the feeling of urban combat, which would be really nice. This would also allow for more vertical combat, not just horizontal. We could have air battles, sniper duels between buildings, ambushes in city squares, you name it. I would love to see something like this, sometime within the life of DayZ game/mod. Feedback is welcome, just don't hate in a rude way!
  12. Nice to see someone else don't like how they roll. You be careful friend, or they may get you too...
  13. Texas Red

    Another Bandit Skin thread

    Getting all the DLC packs is good if you are looking for better clothing textures, such as you. I just got them as they actually improved on ArmA2. I am an actual player of it, not just DayZ. It helps alot with DayZ, when all the textures actually look like they should.
  14. Texas Red

    Need an collect with Heli or Boat

    Yeah I stole a perfect condition boat from there a few hours ago, as I spawned there. I got the boat to Kamyshovo and ditched it, with 2/3 fuel still in. I saw another vehicle I wanted, so I got it instead of the boat. Still there, maybe. Most likely taken.
  15. Texas Red

    Looking for a friendly partner

    Steam name, Skype name, and age?