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About skepy@live.co.uk

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. skepy@live.co.uk

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    I don't shoot everyone. sometimes i hatchet them to death....
  2. skepy@live.co.uk

    kicked for battleye Game hack #3

    ok guys, here what I did on my end. Yesterday after creating this thread, I was advised to do a full computer scan with my Anti Virus. Looks like this worked as I streamed for a good 4 hours and wasn't kicked once, I was playing the same servers I always do too. For anyone experiencing this problem, my guess is that somewhere down the line of the last 24 you downloaded something that had some Malware inside and BE is finding it and kicking you. We should keep this thread open incase its caused by other things too. SIDE NOTE: Anyone using Xsplit to stream, update manually from their website to 1.2
  3. skepy@live.co.uk

    kicked for battleye Game hack #3

    the programs i have been using are -xsplit -chrome -mumble -skype and the game itself I would like to thank you from everyone here asking about the problem for coming to help. My gogle searches found nothing so i started this thread
  4. skepy@live.co.uk

    kicked for battleye Game hack #3

    seems like i opened a can of worms with this thread, hopefully 1 of us gets an answer from BE quickly
  5. skepy@live.co.uk

    kicked for battleye Game hack #3

    I too am a server admin, Ive been playing fine for a while though. seems strange, i will email BE support
  6. skepy@live.co.uk

    kicked for battleye Game hack #3

    the only things i have running are -Game -Xsplit -mumble -Skype -chrome
  7. skepy@live.co.uk

    kicked for battleye Game hack #3

    i will get you a screen shot from my VOD Edit: Screenshot of said event http://gyazo.com/6c6c2845e58764046c6825ae25022b4f
  8. skepy@live.co.uk

    kicked for battleye Game hack #3

    it happened on 2 servers
  9. skepy@live.co.uk

    kicked for battleye Game hack #3

    Did you read my post or just come here with a smarmy attitude.
  10. Wtf is this. I played for 10 minutes on a server last night and was kicked for this reason..I reloaded the game up and got 20 minutes into playing and it happened again. I am a trusted streamer on twitch and am baffled as to why this is happening, I had a viewer tell me I need to reinstall BE but that didnt work either. Could anybody let me know what causes this and how I can fix it. If you need to watch my VOD then its the last stream recorded on twitch.tv/captainskepy
  11. skepy@live.co.uk

    [DayZ Story] The hard Days ahead. <UPDATED>

    Bump....Im looking forward to part 3
  12. skepy@live.co.uk

    Less snipers as of wednesday..

    Snipers aren't THAT much of a problem. The mod has been out long enough to know where they will be and where to stay away from. I agree server hoppers need something doing to them though because its a joke
  13. skepy@live.co.uk

    [DayZ Story] The hard Days ahead. <UPDATED>

    I like the way you write, Keep up the good work and I will be here for part 3
  14. skepy@live.co.uk

    [DayZ Story] The hard Days ahead. <UPDATED>

    If I can be part of your story could I be a Captain of some sort.
  15. skepy@live.co.uk

    The "Lucky Bandit"

    How were you so lucky. I have seen 1 motorbike and 5 chooper sites in 2 months. You saw that many in 1 session. I need to get out more