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About Phil2001

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Phil2001

    LU209 Kicking

    If this was the case why not do a server restart, then let people join? Why has this been going on for 2/3 days in a row?
  2. Phil2001

    LU209 Kicking

    Hopefully, they have been doing it for day's now...
  3. Phil2001

    LU209 Kicking

    Yeah man tried a few other made sure they were running 94876 joined no problems EU28 been one i remember.
  4. Phil2001

    LU209 Kicking

    I tried to join the server LU209 ( Before i could even load into the game i was kicked (no reason given, Ping ect..) I tried to rejoin, Kicked again same story. So i joined and stayed in the lobby for 30-40 seconds. I watched about 10-15 people join and leave in that space of time before i was kicked again. (edit) Time of joining around 9:50Pm on the 18th I'm assuming they were also kicked they weren't there long enough to load into the game. There was only 3 consecutive players on the server. Pedda Alexander Torbj rn Im running beta/95054 And the latest I am able join other servers running 94876. Thanks guys!