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Everything posted by lickme2hard@msn.com

  1. Fancy adding me on skype for a chat? "niem3000"
  2. lickme2hard@msn.com

    died because of graphical glitch

    first of all alpha not beta second of all Hold shift and - key then type flush third of all you didn't pay 25 euro for dayz you paid it for Arma 2 + xpack fourth of all: idk just wanted a 4th point
  3. lickme2hard@msn.com

    This game must hate me..

    i started there once i also found fuck all
  4. lickme2hard@msn.com

    The best MOD/GAME going down the drain

    To be honest people that think when they play a free (alpha) mod and expect it to be perfect and without flaw then only to be upset by the latter and try to pull up any agreement. Point of the matter is you brought arma2 on steam it was your choice dayz was just a bonus, valve will just politely tell you to go away and stop bitching asfar as they are concerned you brought arma2 for a mod and didn't like it I personally have been ether Jesus lucky or there are very few hackers as i have never come across one now stop being such a cry baby and ether uninstall or go back to sneak round cherno collecting your loot
  5. lickme2hard@msn.com

    FPS Issues?

    Well i had the same experence try closing six launcher as it also causes sheet fps
  6. lickme2hard@msn.com

    Banned from LU189

    i had the same experence last night when i killed them xD
  7. lickme2hard@msn.com

    Need A Few People With Skype and Mics To Group Up.

    I just died and lost my crap so what the hell xD if you want i can group up with you skype is "niem3000" edit: added you on skype
  8. lickme2hard@msn.com

    Choppers per server?

    It was 3 before they got removed
  9. lickme2hard@msn.com

    Have you Tips for me?

    If someone is in cherno and they say they are friendly. They ain't friendly
  10. lickme2hard@msn.com

    Policing the coast

    Let me be the first to say "fu*k the po po" as i am the gangster i am
  11. lickme2hard@msn.com

    dude where's my duct tape?

    I demand to tie a friend to a car and drive away!
  12. lickme2hard@msn.com

    LU131 - Admin constantly kicking players

    Prob "Your have been kicked"
  13. lickme2hard@msn.com

    Run through Steam Crash to Desktop Event Log:

    Ah then im out of options p.s did you really just give yourself beans xD? thats asbad as liking your own facebook status
  14. lickme2hard@msn.com

    Run through Steam Crash to Desktop Event Log:

    Looks to me your "C:\Users\Kyle\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye\BEClient.dll" has problem so maybe downloading it again and replacing it might fix? (the DLL file ofc)
  15. lickme2hard@msn.com

    Run through Steam Crash to Desktop Event Log:

    To be honest you ask for help and when people try to help you you turn round and act out of order to them "Hey lil' gangsta. If you installed six launcher on your box I'd recommend formatting and starting from scratch." is not insulting you thus you should not insult him anyway i got add nonsteam game then go to ao.exe and click it then from there right click it rename it to dayz then put target as: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" "-mod=C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;Expansion;ca;@dayz" -nosplash" and start in as: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\" and yes my formatting is terrible sew me.
  16. lickme2hard@msn.com

    LU131 - Admin constantly kicking players

    server admins prob want a private dayz experence :/ if they wanted that they could have just passworded it
  17. lickme2hard@msn.com

    dude where's my duct tape?

    +1 i want to tie my friends together and roll them down a hill
  18. lickme2hard@msn.com

    Battleye kicking all people

    Its happening to every server i come across also