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Everything posted by opex

  1. I think he is talking about server hoppers, basically. Like you connect to "SNIPER RIFLES EVERYWHERE" server and after that you connect to "genuine" one with all that top stuff...
  2. opex

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Already fixed in beta(dev) branch on steam.
  3. Rocket is aware of this on twitter, so just a matter of time. P.S. Nice suggestion:)
  4. My suggestion is to make it possible to load any gun with a single bullet if you have no magazines for that.
  5. Argh, just realized... my fault. BTW there is no "Suggestions" sub, will wait then.
  6. opex


    Didn't found any suggestions about Hordes Event. Basically, it's just a spawn of 10-100+ zombies that moves through/near a town/village. Not a special thing to implement and will increase the atmosphere. So, what do everyone think?