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About gibbonsftw@gmail.com

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  1. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    US 368 hosted by Addles

    Hi I'd like to tell everyone about this server, no I am not an admin but I would love to see more people play on this server. The server is restarted 3-4 times a day with 30 minute warnings prior to restart, No one is hording vehicles, there are lots of big camps (our teams included), very friendly server with no dcer's or hackers. Admins on constantly to kick/ban hackers and dcer's and our team just wants more competition. The server never takes longer than 1 minute from connecting to join it's just an amazing experience I'd like more to take part in so we can have a journey together in Chernarus.
  2. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    Looking for a team that streams

    http://www.justin.tv/gibbonsftw come check us out
  3. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    Streaming general play, squad play, and giving away arma keys!

    Streaming Squad play :D
  4. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    Streaming general play, squad play, and giving away arma keys!

    Stream is live! just found a heli and still giving away keys.
  5. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    Are helicopters ever coming back?

    Heli's will be added in around 36 hours :D enjoy!
  6. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    Streaming general play, squad play, and giving away arma keys!

    Stream is live! still giving away arma keys :D
  7. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    Streaming general play, squad play, and giving away arma keys!

    Stream is live! Giving away arma key!
  8. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    US368 admin addles (owner) of the server ABUSE

    uh the camp is legit thanks bro :) waste of time on your part
  9. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    Streaming general play, squad play, and giving away arma keys!

    Stream is live :D and yes I am giving away 1 more key but I do it on twitch.tv you have to subscribe to me :)
  10. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    Streaming general play, squad play, and giving away arma keys!

    I'm live teaching my gf how to play xD should be fun to watch!
  11. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    Best Revenge Ever definatly worth the read.

    I stream live all the time and have followers....we didn't cheat in any way to do this....if that is what you're implying
  12. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    Best Revenge Ever definatly worth the read.

    We know how to find things? LOL
  13. gibbonsftw@gmail.com

    Best Revenge Ever definatly worth the read.

    us195 near misty peak
  14. So I was going to an old server with some buddies and running to some old tents that had recently got raided of a ural, red uaz, atv, v3s, 10 tents with 4 l85s, 4 nvgs, 5 gps, 2 as50s, m248 saws, tons of m4a1 of every variety, etc. When all of a sudden i get gunned down in the pitch black on a random hill out in the middle of nowhere. My buddy then hops on the server and starts talking to the guy who just killed me in global chat saying "we're going to find your camp and blow it up". So Google is your friend....I look up the clan tag which was s6! and we find out they have a server...so three friends and I hop on the server and a determined to find and kill all of these guys and destroy their camp. Well shortly after getting in the server and running for 30 minutes we find their camp and notice all four of them had logged.....below is the devastation that followed.... also destroyed a bicycle and a bus and found another camp that we destroyed too.