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Everything posted by Reash

  1. Before I begin I will give a little back story... Yesterday, setting up a camp with a Clan member of mine we hear a car heading our way, we set up for an ambush which the car drives and parks right in the zone. We see 4 personnel get out of the car ans start transferring goods to 3 tents they have set up along with a Civ. UAZ. Now everyone of these people are geared to the teeth. Ghillie, M4CCO SD, 107, Range finder, NVG, GPS..so on and so on. The attack begins we kill 2 right off the bat with head shots, the driver of the car gets shot while in it. The other 2 are killed shortly after. Now Obviously we ran across these guys who is suspect for hacking, we gather the items load the trucks and move out. Later on that night (Night time)..we are moving to help another clan member out and out of no where the kill count on the server goes up like mad..5 kills here and there at a time..the person somehow finds me and my clan members and kills us with no sounds, no movement, no warning. Come to find out later that our camp was empty and the truck we hid was turned into a bus. Now having our own clan server we know the ends and outs of the Admin's powers and this is clearly an Admins doing. whether of not he seen what we had in our bags and thought we were hackers, or he was just wanting to clear everyone off his server, I'm not sure, But the Admins should be held to a higher standard. They should be at risk of getting the server shut off if they are going to allow or use the hacks we witnessed last night. Avoid Server : 1257 Hosted by [VTC] Gaming.
  2. Well as an Admin you are capable of picking up and moving items, replacing items, porting folks to a closer location, tracking other players in game, seeing what items those players have..etc.etc. Now running into the [TWP] Crew we killed and looted that has nothing to do with what happened later that evening. They may or may not have been hacking but they did have pretty much 5+ of every item. its the fact we had the camp established, we saved everything, the server reset and we came back to no bugs everything was in the spot it was left. It was later that evening. Anyway doesn't matter now, on the search for a respectable server...Happy hunting
  3. Reash

    Bad version, server rejected connection?

    Get used to it, every time there is a patch either through DayZ, six launcher, or ARMAII this always happens...A LOT
  4. Reash

    Bad version, server rejected connection?

    I have also tried the six launcher, and just going through the Multiplayer in game, and I STILL can not get in due to "BAD VERSION".... Seeing how this is Beta...The first fix the patches and how it messing everything up for so long after a patch !!
  5. I just tried to log in and was forced to update through the six launcher, even without hitting the update on the left hand side. Now every server I try to log into is giving me "Bad Version" ?? WTF ?
  6. Reash

    Forced update..

    I understand that, but at least I can delay the update till servers are online with it as well, I'm currently just sitting here waiting...
  7. Reash

    Forced update..

    Sweet thanks..
  8. Reash

    Biggest DayZ Camp Raid EVER (Video)

    Recently a few of my Clan members found some C4..Then happened across a camp like this, with 8 tents all around, well they had set the C4 and destroyed all the tents..it was pretty epic. If it was this exact camp that would have been even better..!!
  9. A few days back I was with a clan member on the way to check vehicle spawns, guess 2 guys got there before we did and happened to drive the Jeep right by and stop at a gas station right next to us, while they were filling it up, popped one while clan member held over watch with his 107..one dropped the other ran into the treeline, I rushed the jeep and Jacked it, as he was looking at my tail lights he came out to try and stop me, just then Clan member popped another round to keep his head down, Jeep was loaded down with all kinds of goodies..!! Was a pretty good night...
  10. Yeah this fucking game made Zombies able to 1 shot any one..every encounter for the last 3 weeks...... I have been 1 shot....broken neck, knocked out till eaten alive..every time, I cant even play this fucked up game.....Super zombies... ??? Not possible.. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  11. Nah I'm sorry those guys left the horse at home...mom was busy with it...lol
  12. Eat me ass...spoons right here... Oh wait I forgot I was in English class......
  13. I would be seriously disappointed, Zombies on my account anyway are 1 shot kills..I would like to see them toned down a little...I can not even stand off 1v1 if I dont have range..I get 1 shot broken neck, or 1 shot knocked out with a bleed, and eaten alive.....?? I always have to run if aggroed zombies . stand alone game = FAIL
  14. I want to start off by saying this game is great love the concept and seeing how its the Alpha has alot of great potential to become one of the best. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to see whats in the future for DayZ. To my question... In any of the recent patches have the Zomibes been "Buffed". I know they have Super vision now which is not a big deal. Just that with my last few encounters I have been 1 shotted every time by Z's and every time I have been about 5k health, Anyone else having these issues ?? My first encounter I was coming around a corner of a building slowly there stood a Zombie, before I could turn around to run he hit me from behind..SNAP goes the neck and I drop with 9700 health, next encounter few encounters all involve me around 10 - 12K health I get knocked out, with a bleed and eaten alive ? Guess its smarter to just run and kite them now rather then turn and try to shoot them down..?
  15. Oh ok..gotcha That may be the problem then...Thanks
  16. Reash

    Am i doing something wrong?

    I am not sure if anyone mentioned this yet...if you happen into a larger city, and go into a building if it looks like part of the items have been looted but not everything..take the rest of the items even if you dont want them and place them on the ground outside, with the building clear this will start a force respawn for that location, leave the area for about 3-5 minutes and more items should start reappearing. Rinse and Repeat. WARNING !! Staying in an area to long might attract other players and give them a better chance to stumble on to you..
  17. I also have tried the running through a building get on the other side and clearing them out that way with a pistol or whatever I have at that time, works really well, unless your close to a wall and get crushed that way. I really enjoy the idea of making them hear better because naturally if a Z hears a shot across town it will slowly move that direction and I would expect it to pick up speed the closer it gets if the player is still shooting, but super human strength Z's do not posess due to the lack of muscle tisse, or reasonable thoughts to put together a strong "Neck breaking" punch..haha
  18. 1.7.2. Has totally fucked everything I have ever done, and what I continue to do. Everytime I log in I have to restart all over..!! WTF ? That is all... Roll the shit back.....
  19. I get the whole not get attached to your gear thing I get it...its not a big deal thats not what this is about, its about me logging in on the shore line every time, even if I only have a knife..lol