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Everything posted by Smacked

  1. Smacked

    What the!?!

    How is that karma........
  2. Smacked

    Driving a hippie van!

  3. Smacked

    Zombie kills and headshots

    Pointless thread is..... ...pointless...
  4. Smacked

    Trading for SVD Camo and NVG

    M4A1 HOLO GL? Dafuq.
  5. I don't mean for ONE person to take them all, im saying there are 3 to trade for say, 3 different people.
  6. Smacked

    Your scariest DayZ expierience

    On my first most intense encounter they did that. But that usually only happens when you are, 1. Playing Alone 2. Having some of the best gear you have ever had and really don't want to lose it 3. When you started playing somewhat recently. You get the point Anyways, my most intense but not nesacarily 'scary' moment was when I took on a group of highly armed players with only a AKM with 2 mags and a makarov. I used to have it copied somewhere but I seemed to have lost it. The whole encounter took about 40 minutes.
  7. Smacked

    "dead" and cant respawn

    Now thats a pretty horrible glitch. I could care less about people bitching about how a door broke their leg, but this does seem pretty dang annoying.
  8. Smacked

    ARMA 2 Real Life Hiking Simulator

    ._. I hate people like you.
  9. Smacked

    Rocket has dropped the Ball

    Actually he just said that changing zombies right now would have horrible other changes on things that shouldn't be changed. And really, this seems like more of a troll post. "War Z is going to crap all over this game" Nevermind, you're probably just a kid who doesn't know much of anything about either game. Yeah, you may have played Day Z for a while, but you know nothing of the inside of it.
  10. Smacked

    Badges, Medals and Awards

    Fuck no. Before posting, think about this. Would this HAPPEN or BE ABLE to happen if the world did go to shit. Would this be REALISTIC Etc.
  11. Post this more proffesional like. Like so, What time What server What happened what etc what etc.. so on. But that sounds pretty funny lol.
  12. Smacked

    game is too easy and getting boring and more

    Maybe try playing by yourself and then it's a lot harder =).
  13. Smacked

    Nvg for campsite

    I have 2 NVG'S. My question is what kind of loot do you have?
  14. Smacked

    Trading for Ghillie or SVD Camo or NVG

    I have NVG'S i'd like to trade for an AS50, or M4A1 CCO SD. I would trade you a ghillie suit, but i recently made a trade earlier to another guy and gave it to him for an AS50 =/.
  15. Smacked

    Crash When Click On Multiplayer.

    Use six launcher
  16. Smacked

    We need a "murderer" thread.

    Give us the definition of a bandit and a murderer.
  17. Deal, but im going to have to do the tent deal below me to be able to store it for later. Sure I'll pm you TS info then just join whenever and we can figure out where to meet, etc.
  18. Czech Vest Pouch-4 Slots Coyote Patrol Pack-8 Slots Assault Pack-12 Slots Czech Backpack-16 sots ALICE Pack-20 Coyote Backpack-24. Now does anyone want the NVGs?
  19. Smacked

    Trading for Ghillie

    I just traded my last Ghillie but I do have NVGs to trade and plenty of them (if you're in a clan of some sort)
  20. Smacked

    No Mercy in the House of God

    Thats a pretty awesome spree. Love doing stuff like that. My best was when I was in Cherno, in a house between the supermarket and church, I killed one guy in there, went to loot his body, hid behind the door. Then a few minutes passed, another guy comes in and loots the first guys dead body. I shoot him several times with my AK I just found. He is dead. Next guy comes in about 20 seconds later. Goes to the bodies first, I light him up. This happened for, I kid you not, 4 more people all within a 10 minute time span. By the end of it I was only missing a GPS,Ghillie,and a high end weapon. Although one had a M4A3 CCO SD if thats "high end".
  21. Yeah, It is frustrating, especially once you do get the kill but the body still dissapears since they did Alt-F4. But really. This is completely pointless.
  22. Smacked

    Tent Capacity

    I don't like fish.
  23. Smacked

    Worst Weapon In Dayz

    The AS50.