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About Mr-Zer0

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  1. If you end up stealing, killing, or fighting with one of the admins, *BAN*.
  2. Apparently the poll won't show up now... EDIT: Fixed it.
  3. Mr-Zer0

    So what is special about namalsk

    Namalsk is very special since it allows you to focus on a more realistic way of survival. The map has so many military spawns, it's crazy. You can get firearms easily. Catch is, that food, drink, and other equipment is super scarce. Hypothermia is also a big factor, since the area is FREEZING, you'll have to rely on making fires and using heatpacks to survive, or if you're lucky, you can find warm clothes (Special Outfit exclusive to Namalsk that prevents colds). The enviroments are spectacular and unique, including an underground laboratory that you can find another exclusive item, the ER7 RFW (A rail gun basically, it's a 1 shot kill weapon that suffers no bullet drop, it utilizes a high-zoom scope.) Giant bridges, large cities, several military bases that are all unique in appearance. One giant Hospital complex, meaning there are several buildings that are combined to look like a single hospital.
  4. Exactly! I really would try to make my own map based on northern Iran. Make it take place in Tehran and the mountains north of it... (I've been to Tehran several times)Perhaps a map based on Chernobyl/Pripyat...
  5. Yeah, I know about Chernarus+, it's obvious they're bringing that back.Right now, I think they should add these maps: Takistan+ Thirsk+ Lingor+ Fallujah+
  6. Mr-Zer0

    What's your current loadout?

    Double Post bug, sorry...
  7. Mr-Zer0

    What's your current loadout?

    Look at my signature, makes all the people whine and bitch about me.
  8. This has probably been discussed numerous times, but I'm going to talk about it anyway... When the standalone is fully released, will there be new maps coming out in the form of DLC or free updates? If so, I'd really like maps with various biomes, like how people ported Operation Arrowhead's Takistan to DayZ or the new snow map coming out for the mod. It'd really keep things fresh and give you more to think about, such as hypothermia, heat exhaustion, frostbite, sunburn, etc. New models for characters and buildings. (Snow Camo tents and Winter Ghillie Suits)
  9. Mr-Zer0

    The Bandit Outfit...

    You do know because of the huge increase of 'hackers' lead to hacked boxes and a lot of mayhem, right? I end up coming across a f*ck ton of them.Also, if you're not going to post anything related to the thread, don't post at all. You're just making yourself look like a douche.
  10. I'm just going to make this a bit short. The bandit outfit in DayZ seems to be rather tacky and the fact that your backpack won't show up when you have the Bandit Outfit seems like an slight unfair advantage. The old bandit outfit seemed to have a more bandit-like feel to it. I really hope that in the later patches that you guys will change the outfit to something that seems to make more sense. (Probably going to get several negative replies.)
  11. No, I use them to create a perimeter around my base.
  12. No, I use them to create a perimeter around my base.
  13. Mr-Zer0

    Helicopters and M107s...

    I like the M107, it's more balanced than the AS50.
  14. Mr-Zer0

    players are dropping real low

    If you're bored at End Game, make a camp, help people, perform operations to take out bandit groups and find more vehicles. Learn to be creative.