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About niallgeorge@hotmail.com

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  1. niallgeorge@hotmail.com

    your character has been reset. a admin has been notified?

    Ok i have tested this and done a bit of research. not sure where to put it under bug report as this may not be a bug. when loading a server and it says waiting for host if you press escape quickly then your back in server menu and you choose same server again (and also any server) it will reset your character. Now typing this into google got me info on how to duplicate characters and it uses this method in Standalone. So i'm wondering has the Dev team patched this problem just by resetting your character. if so not really a good hot fix. as if joining a server and the server nearly gets there but then has a hiccup and you end back at the server menu. chances are the next server you join will have a reset character. Dev team if your reading this maybe you could notify us of such changes. or maybe put into known issues.
  2. niallgeorge@hotmail.com

    your character has been reset. a admin has been notified?

    So it happened again today. took ages for server to load. its one of my favorites. and boom back on the coast. i'm starting to wonder if you guys just don't like my character. but seriously is this due to how long it is hanging on character create and then just being like oh well too long. reset it. or whats actually going on here so me and others can avoid this pitfall. Ok yet again third day in a row. i mean right after gearing up log in on the morning boom back on the coast server took ages to load pressed ESC then re-joined. and yes this is deleting characters. This is no server issue this is the way the Client is talking to Hive. and if any interruptions happen even if you dont press esc still characters going missing. is this "Rockets" "Anti-Cheat" gizmo. LUL Why is this happening?... anybody? is anybody else experiencing this glorious time waster? Some news, useless news but news all the same... and not from anybody even close to Dayzgame or Dayzstandalone or Dayz@Hive "I'm not sure there's actually anything we can do about this. It may just be that you've switched from one Hive to another, run by us instead of whoever ran your previous one. Character data is stored on a per-hive basis. All MPGS servers run on one Hive. Anything on another provider will likely run on another Hive. In order to determine which Hive you're using, you need to look at the naming convention of the servers. All servers are named in a specific way: DayZ Location Hive-ServerNo. (Public\Settings) Version - blahblah Check which Hive you're using and you'll be able to determine where your character is stored." now this just seems silly. as i can join a server in the Netherlands and it works fine takes my character over and everything. go back to Australian servers and i'm running around all good. then you join any MPGS, Villayer, Gameservers, sorry guys but you couldn't host to save yourselves.. its been your servers and only your servers that have eaten my characters, om nom nom. so for future reference do some serious research to see if your favourite servers are being hosted by these guys. It may not say in the server details. so try look on gametracker or something like that. and yes i realise this is pre-alpha derp rubbish. but maybe Dean Hall and his goonies can sort out who there giving rights to for hosting such an awesome game. cause a lot of these guys are really hard to contact. Also its been the independent servers that have been the best... 24/7 sun, no eaten characters. the only problem is whats the point in admin when ya cant even talk to them. (oh right theres still but loads of hacking going on.) YAY!
  3. niallgeorge@hotmail.com

    your character has been reset. a admin has been notified?

    well thats crap. is there anyway to contact the hive database? seems silly that i have to contact MPGS.com cause they dont even have a website.
  4. whats going on will this be admin from dayzgame.com or what?
  5. niallgeorge@hotmail.com

    Hate to rage quit but...

    Dear Rocket, i have a small story about my dayz experiences. OK, so im bored on a tuesday its rainy, i feel like playing dayz "yeah that's a good idea cause it was all gone to shit because of all the hacks for ages and now its kinda cool again". jumped on was running around meet up with some random who didnt kill me YAY. sitting on the hill south of elektro find a tent ohh the goodies akm, ak74 etc. 2 seconds after this we hear a helicopter, now because im good natured and not a complete pussy i didn't log out cause hey there's been less and less hackers for ages now. so we watched the heli dart into city center (really bad pilot btw) then lift off again and come straight for us, now i'm thinking fuck'n hackers... fuck you dayz!!. I really don't see how people still wanna play your game all this hacking has completely marred my whole experience of the game. even when/if standalone comes out i will still think "hey fuck was that player cheating". i don't wanna have to think that but now its all dayz is, ohh man was running along then this guy teleported to me. I was running along and got hacked in the legs by an invisible player. Yeah this helicopter came down with like 4 dudes with gillie suits it was so awesome. But this is the dayz experience now and because of it i will never fully be able to get back into such an awesome game. and you gotta ask.. you really thought with your engine that you could stop the hacks?. seems like the hackers know more about it than you guys do.
  6. niallgeorge@hotmail.com


    haha same server more hackers now.. they had 2 helicopters and everthing.. got a ride with one cause i was un armed.. stole the helicopter then went other side of map went to land and one of them teleported in. so i flew away. should i put it on autohover and jump out?
  7. niallgeorge@hotmail.com


    well arma 2 combined ops wasnt free. lol. Yes awesome game.. i actually found the whole invisible survivor with hatchet chasing me down going "i see dead people" was alot of fun and in the same night creating the thunderdome.. well i think it was him again could have been another exploiter. but if you think there gonna fix this with the arma 2 engine... thats a big get real. the hackers have effectively made better admin tools than bohemia themselves.
  8. niallgeorge@hotmail.com

    Hacking Problem

    Its come to my attention that the once fertile lands have been tainted with hackers.. there everywhere. infact i was chased down by an invisible one just tonight, he had a hatchet btw. and that would not be the first time i have experienced suspicious behaviour but now i have seen it for real. the game now feels more like garrys mod then dayz mod.... lots and lots of griefers, minges and hackers.
  9. niallgeorge@hotmail.com


    Dear New Player, welcome to charnarus.. its come to my attention that the once fertile lands have been tainted with hackers.. there everywhere. infact i was chased down by an invisible one just tonight, he had a hatchet btw. so im going with dont buy this game until there is a standalone version. the game now feels more like garrys mod then dayz mod.... lots and lots of griefers, minges and hackers.
  10. niallgeorge@hotmail.com

    So most of our loot is gone.

    Its Dayz.. live to die, chances are your already dead. hold what you can for as long as you can. how can anyone get attached to gear out here.