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Everything posted by malzie

  1. malzie


    I am sure this has been covered many times, but is there anything going to be done about the hackers? I just had 'Ronald McDonald' at least that is who the guy looked like -- who was 100% invulnerable to damage randomly appear behind me and demand I put my gun on the ground for him. When I turned around and aimed for his head and shot, nothing but a single swing of his axe to kill me. This game is fun, however it is not fun spending a good 15 hours working very hard to get what I had only to lose it in half a second to some 14 year old with hacks. Clearly Battle Eye is not working. By allowing the hackers to run rampant, forces others to seek out hacks to defend themselves. By not addressing the hacking, you are allowing the game to spiral out of control. I mean come on, a 100% invulnerability hack? Warping around the map to players? Instant killing? These are easily traceable, and by ignoring the problem it is only going to get bigger. I mean ffs I couldn't even disconnect from the server/game because he was standing on top of me.
  2. malzie


    I have never Alt + F4 out of the game. I figured it would leave a dumby or "pvp" logged character in game to simply die anyway. The guy was literally right on top of me and actively talking to me. I guess in the future I will try and Alt F4 out of the game. Sigh. It just really annoys me to spend so much time only to get slaughtered by a fking hacker.
  3. I think you would lose a lot of players if you restrict to in game comms only. Sure we can talk through teamspeak, but isn't that part of any multiplayer pvp strategy? The better question is how are locked clan servers fair? You have a clan that can gear up on a private server and then go into pubs and wreck people with end game loot. That should be dealt with before restricting out of game communications.
  4. Don't listen to these noobs, the best way to do it now that zombies aggro from 100 meters away is to crouch run through towns ducking in and out of buildings with 2 entrances. Once you find a hatchet equip it and kill any stragglers that follow you. If you don't want to risk it... run out of town and use trees and tall thick brush to break line of sight... it isn't that hard to lose aggro of the zombies.
  5. To be honest, there are times where I KoS because it has happened to me so many times that I am just frustrated and do not want to take the chance. How many times have I died nearly immediately after finding something cool in game? Literally my life span is less than 10 minutes after finding one of the rarer items in the game. "Oh you found a DMR? BLAM its mine now... see you in Cherno while I am there sniping noobs with the gun I just looted off of you." It gets frustrating, and some times it just feels good to take it out on the first survivor you come across. As was stated earlier in the thread, now that it is 100x better to sprint through a town quick loot buildings and get out of town, rather than sneak your way in... it is pointless to do anything else besides kill other people. It is more fun to kill people because now it isn't worth trying to sneak past zombies. Even if you slow belly crawl through a town... you're still going to aggro a zombie from 100m away and still going to have a horde come after you. So why bother go into a town when you can let a noob do it and then loot what you need of his body? Simple fact is, it is more of a challenge to loot pain killers and bandages off of freshly spawned players than it is to go into a town. Now that it is impossible to be stealthy, one has to find new ways of using stealth to his advantage. Find the sniper before he kills you. :)
  6. From the little time I've been able to play .2 everything seems pretty cool except the eagle eyed aggro of zombies. While I do understand that a moving object is easy to see, we must keep in mind that zombies do not or would not see as well as a normal human. Why? Because their eyes are rotting out of their head! The big question is, what can be done to make the game keep an element of fear of zombies while improving the end game gear? My experience is that I was slow crouch walking into a town today and of the 5 or more zombies that were in the area (all of which were facing me) two of them aggro'd while I was still a good 100 meters out of town. I was stunned and ran as far out of town as possible while these two zombies chased me. But in looking back I noticed I had ran full sprint past a zombie no more than 10 meters away who didn't even miss a step out of his slow patrol path. What happened?! I can aggro a couple of zombies while being ultra careful, but when sprinting right next to a zombie it doesn't care? Is my mind playing tricks on me in this zombie apocalypse?! This game is fun, obviously. But when those of us who do not use the "run through town, aggro every zombie within 15km and then run through a shed to lose them" approach are punished or lose the stealth ability that we rely on, the game loses all enjoyment. All in all, I must say this game is awesome! I think I can speak for most people when I say updates feel like a mini Christmas morning as we get to see the new changes in live time. Keep up the good work! I just hope these minor annoyances can get fixed quickly.
  7. malzie

    1.7.2 Infected bugged?

    I think its bugged, or a miss calculation because I just had a zombie aggro me from like 100m away while I was slow crouch walking. I hope they fix this soon!