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About gregclark019@aol.com

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    under your bed
  1. gregclark019@aol.com

    Pending Update: Build

    how is a "successful connect" defined? I usually have to try 3-5 different servers before I can actually get in game
  2. gregclark019@aol.com

    Did anyone else pronounce it as Day-Zee at first?

    "zed" is the British pronunciation of the letter "z" I imagine that the majority of countries that are/were British territories/commonwealths/etc adopt the British version. for example: Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and India. Americans do not. non-British Europeans often use "zed" since the majority of their English language teachers are British. individuals who learn the English language in America will say "zee"
  3. gregclark019@aol.com

    People are horrible.

    the real problem is that people take things too personally. someone shooting you without provocation in a video game does not equate with taking a giant dump on your front lawn. I appreciate RP and whatnot, but this is a game. not real life. the concept of what you would do in a "real zombie apocalypse" is absurd look, I try to avoid needless killing of other players, but if I think someone is a threat I will take them down as quickly as possible.
  4. gregclark019@aol.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    were you using the same firearm? differences in sound could account for that. I also don't think the rain would affect aggro from shots fired, again due to sound. I believe zombies vision is curtailed by rain and fog, but not their hearing. 'course I could be wrong on that
  5. gregclark019@aol.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    look, the game is not easy. that is exactly the appeal. and the awesome thing about being able to play in the alpha stage is that things are constantly changing. you have to learn to adapt or you will die don't run unless there is *nothing* around you. don't crouch if you're remotely close to zombies. don't go close to them even if you are prone. there are lots of places you can look for starter weapons, from barns to hunting stands to the big apartment buildings in the cities. you'd best avoid cherno and elektro if you're already having this much difficultly with the game if nothing else, you can find a hatchet pretty easily. they spawn in almost every barn I've come across lately, as well in many industrial locations. they are silent (no aggro) and will one-hit kill zombies. plus they have near-limitless uses. I've often considered keeping my hatchet as my primary weapon even when I've come across rifles and shotguns due to the stealth factor keep trying. if you actually got the game running, the hardest part is already behind you
  6. gregclark019@aol.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    sorry if someone else already answered this , but I haven't updated myself on the whole thread I've been installing the beta versions of Arma 2 manually so that I can still use Steam. I prefer the in-game server browser. I also use steam chat and the built-in internet browser quite often (good for having a map handy). I also find the Six Updater/Launcher somewhat burdensome. this is how ya do it (assuming steam version): 1. go to http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php 2. download the version you want 3. unzip and run the installer 4. navigate to \Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta 5. copy the "arma2oa.exe" file 6. paste the file to \Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead and overwrite the existing file 7. add "-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" to your launch options voila I imagine the procedure is the same for retail, but with different directory paths. no clue how to rollback with the Six Updater
  7. gregclark019@aol.com

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I disagree. his posts are completely unreadable
  8. gregclark019@aol.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I like the aggro change to zombies a lot. still harder than, but not burdensome like 1.7.2 was. I was not able to get the game to run with 94945, most likely because most servers haven't updated to that version yet. each time I would try to join, the game would hang. when I switched back to 94876, joining was fine one thing I did notice today was inventory lag. only played extensively on one server, so it could have been a localized problem. but almost every time I would try to loot something, it would take forever to appear in my inventory. I could drop things instantaneously, but I could not pick things up. eventually they would appear, but it sometimes took ten seconds or more. not critical, but really annoying
  9. gregclark019@aol.com

    Waiting for host

    I had 94945 installed when I was getting the error. I reverted back to 94876 and everything is fine.
  10. gregclark019@aol.com

    You opinion on zombie aggro range?

    1.7.2 was ridiculous. the new hotfix is much better. I haven't played enough to get a real feel for aggro range in the new patch, but I still think that it should be turned down a little bit more. was starting to feel too easy toward the end, but this seems like somewhat of an overreaction
  11. gregclark019@aol.com

    Waiting for host

    I've been getting this same problem just now after updating to and the latest arma beta patch. This is not your typical connecting to server lagging. I don't even get to the initial screen that lists the players on the server and their pings. As soon as I dbl-click on a server from the browser (using in-game steam browser) I get stuck on "Wait for Host"
  12. gregclark019@aol.com

    I see no point of having a toolbox

    toolbox is probably 4th most important piece of equipment, right after hatchet, knife and matches