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Everything posted by klifekommor@gmail.com

  1. klifekommor@gmail.com

    Crazy Convoy of 5 Vehicles

    I'd like to see that! So far, a friend and I could only travel around Chernarus on our bus and ATV combo, hoping to add more to our colection soon. (We'd have a Sedan and a Tractor too if they hadn't both exploded with me inside 'em... shucks.)
  2. klifekommor@gmail.com

    Stuck on wait for host

    I posted a fix in a very similar thread, look your issues up before posting, guys! You're all probably running beta build 94945, just download and install the penultimate beta build, 94876, it should fix your problem. I couldn't get past the "Waiting for host" screen while using 94945 for some reason. "Downgrading" made it work, so try it out.
  3. klifekommor@gmail.com

    stuck on waiting for host

    You guys are running Beta Patch Build 94945... For some reason it won't get you past the "Waiting for Host" screen, and I have no idea why. Just download and install the Build 94876 and it will be good to go.