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Posts posted by justafatman

  1. Rocket,

    Seriously, stop adding such stupid changes

    I did not buy arma 2 for theses and im sure plenty of others

    Remember what made the game great to start with and now you are ruining it.

    Ive said this before but people dont listen.

    But look at people complaining now ! alot of them isnt there !

    taking away guns, stupid bear traps and now removing the respawn utton

    If you want these changes dont force us players to test them either. Do it behind closed doors with your own testing.

    Hell if the mod is that great im sure you can get a small group to test such silly implimentations

    Ive give this mod a chance Rocket, to many chances but you are taking more away from the player.

    Alpha or not, its no excuse.

    The only one I see complaining is you.

    He is not forcing his TESTERS to test the new stuff ether. Not all servers update right away. Mind you there are no PLAYERS. This MOD is in ALPHA. If you don't like it go away. We don't need your constant complaints of what the OWNER of this MOD wants to do with HIS MOD.

    The fact is your expecting an ALPHA thing to be a completed thing. When I here ALPHA I here (Big mess of bugs that may or may not work at any giving time and/or are subject to change at any giving time.)

    So point is if you don't have anything constructive to say then go make your own. You can bitch and complain when its your mod your "ruining".

    • Like 7

  2. Here me out past my spelling. Keep the respawn buttin but limmit it uses per X ammount of time. also give you the option of X amunt of places to spawn. keep the chances of spawns the sam just make them for what shows on the list. so its hard to get a northern spawn still.

    also i request a log-out timmer so if anything happns you stop the logout prosses. so if your bleeding no log out. you your being chased by Z no log-out so on and so forth.

    Thats my take on this bit.
