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About sandbagger

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  1. It would have to be a pretty slow moving virus for things to play out like that. In that case the Zeds "winning" becomes unlikely.
  2. I think at present there is too much scarcity in the game. Given the small number of survivors to the dead and the deadish, there should be figurative mountains of loot. Every home should yield up canned goods of one sort or another including bottled water and cokes. Bic lighters and boxes of matches and maps should litter the floor of gas stations. Basic rifles, pistols, and shotguns and their ammo should be common as dirt. Parking lots and driveways should be packed with fully operable vehicles, just waiting to be hotwired and driven off. Store shelves and tool sheds should offer up hatchets, axes, shovels, and crowbars. The more advanced stuff nvgs the fancier flavors of weapons should be rare everywhere, but the military bases or wrecked or abandoned military vehicles. Where they should be found in reasonable quantities. The same goes for MREs. And unless my survivor is the victim of a shipwreck, he should spawn with at least one weapon and a basic supply of sundries. And not born naked into the game. All in my humble opinion of course. The question is what kind of a post-apocalypse is it? The Road or Dawn of the Dead? It makes a difference. If the zombie has been going on for years. If it's a The Road type situation then nvgs, gps's, thermal sights, et al battery powered equipment shouldn't exist and ammo should be nearly nonexistent. If it's Dawn of the Dead then load the stolen car and head for Wal*Mart.
  3. I'm sure introducing morphine addiction has been suggested.
  4. sandbagger

    We need some sort of overall stats system

    The only "stat" should be surviving. ;)
  5. sandbagger

    Suggestion: Camelbac

    Or you could do it like this. http://www.camelbak.com/Military-Tactical/Packs.aspx
  6. sandbagger

    Suppy Convoy!

    One of the cities or airfield. One of the airfields or the coast. Heavily armed soldiers. No other option, ignorance, stupidity, arrogance, desperation, or a combination perhaps?
  7. sandbagger


    To feed the civilian populace. Think post Hurricane Katrina.
  8. sandbagger

    Any 1 else want the lee enfielt nerf?

    I say replace it with the Mosin-Nagant in light of the game's Eastern Bloc setting.
  9. sandbagger

    Non-Player Characters

    Who said anything about them being friendly?
  10. sandbagger

    Non-Player Characters

    Hello everyone. I read in another thread where someone suggested roaming packs of zombies. I think that's a good idea. And I'd like to offer a variation on that theme, in the form of roaming and/or randomly spawning npc military units and survivor groups.