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About Chris!

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States.
  • Interests
    Dayz of course!
  1. Chris!

    {U.N.I.T} Recruiting + Theme song

    You better do well, The Unit is one of my favorite shows on television and disgracing it would be bad. :C
  2. Chris!

    Hunger GameZ Teaser

    I'd watch it.
  3. Chris!

    The wonders of Karma

  4. Chris!

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Got help with this from my beeb.
  5. It doesn't nothing but cause graphical bugs and endorse trolling when it can't even be removed. Yes.
  6. Chris!

    get out of my way

    I found this quite amusing.
  7. Chris!

    Any 40 somethings play this game?

    Dude, you write this for like every topic in these forums. Q_Q
  8. You should check out Trusted Medics of the Wasteland, dozens of players dedicated to nothing else but providing assistance, medical attention, and advice to players.
  9. Chris!

    Peace in Cherno - Ten plus friendlies <3

    Sadly I don't remember any of their names, I wish I could play with them again, awesome people. (Jon: We were already ambushed by the undercover agent, he took out a few of us and split the group before it got a chance to move out. They struck first, and they struck hard, but this isn't the end.. I'm working on a lead that'll bring me to the main party of bandits.)
  10. I saw a player sneaking by the firehouse in Cherno, asked if she was friendly and I got a yes in return. We both entered the firehouse and found a bunch of other people, and more coming! http://imgur.com/a/f4pO1 In the end we got ambushed once and lived with only one casualty, and got ambushed again ten minutes later and scattered.
  11. Chris!

    Is it possible?No Snipers

    Every tent I come across in the wilderness, be in half way up the map or above the airfield has at least one AS50, one set of NVGs, and one rangefinder. Literally every tent I find in the woods has everything you need to return to Elektro or Cherno and start pegging off new players; I'm with everyone else, it's duping that is the problem.
  12. Chris!

    AS50 AWS?

    Attitude problems much. ^^ Anyways my question was answered thank you Razor!
  13. Chris!

    AS50 AWS?

    I don't think a fresh spawn has GPS, NVG, AS50 and other stuff. <3
  14. Chris!

    AS50 AWS?

    I am just wondering if this gun is hacker spawned into the game, or if it can be found from a spawn because I killed a player just outside of Elektro and I picked the AS50 AWS up but I couldn't find it on the loot spawn sheet. http://i.imgur.com/yjkGI.jpg This is his body with other stuff I already had.. http://i.imgur.com/VNJhw.jpg