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Everything posted by Magotchi

  1. Magotchi

    US 303 - Question

    Hi. I finally found this thread via Googling, as you didn't post it in either Ban Appeals or Server Reporting. Also, posting on http://clansm.net will always get you a faster response from me (or hopping on our Teamspeak). Anyway, yes, we do ban for hacked weapons. Rather than reexplaining, I'll just quote something else I wrote on the subject: Anyway, if you want to play on the server still, you can as long as you promise to not use gear that isn't in the game.
  2. Having global voice channels enabled is against the rules set by the DayZ team, as it involves editing the mission file, so you're not likely to get support on that issue in these forums.
  3. Magotchi

    Banned on US 303 (Admin ban)

    HunterBoy: Prove it.
  4. Magotchi

    Banned on US 303 (Admin ban)

    Unbanned. :-)
  5. Magotchi

    Ban Appeal US 303

    The BAF_AS50_TWS is the thermal-scoped version of the normal AS50, and it's a hacked-in weapon. You're unbanned, but please stop using hacked weapons. If you aren't sure what weapons are hacked, check the wiki.
  6. Magotchi

    Banned from US 303 Dallas

    I'm the lead admin of US 303. People often quote http://dayzmod.com/f...rs/#entry446536 as proof that you can't ban for hacked weapons, but all that says is that you won't get a global ban for hacked weapons. My opinion is that having hacked weapons in the server ruins the experience for everyone, and users of hacked gear are just as bad a hackers because they have equipment that gives them an advantage over what the game normally offers. Also, hackers could simply spawn in all their hacked gear in an empty server, then bring it over en masse to a populated server they don't want to be banned from. If you promise to quit using hacked gear in the server, I'll unban you, but only once. Also, you'll always get a faster response if you visit our forums at http://clansm.net , as I only peruse through this section every couple days.
  7. Magotchi

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    It's hopefully just you. I like it a lot.
  8. Magotchi

    Battleye Global Ban #e7bd

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10011-do-not-post-your-global-ban-appeals/ Rocket says you'll be banned from the forums for even posting about global bans.
  9. Magotchi

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    You can't filter for servers based on their banlist, but if you play in a server for a while, you might catch a person get banned with a reason in the format of "W 0dXXXXXX 0xXXXXXXXX", and you'll then know you're in one that uses it. Alternatively, you could join a server, try to access the Server Control interface in-game, take a note of what script restriction number you get kicked for, and see if it matches the detection entry number for dedicatedServerInterface.sqf in the latest version of the DCB scripts.txt (currently #197 I believe). I think it's #183 if they're using the current default scripts.txt provided by the DayZ team. To find the current number, I believe you just delete any lines from scripts.txt that are commented out (that start with "//"), and then just look at the line number, but I could be wrong. EDIT: I'm slightly off, it turns out, but the numbers should be pretty close to what I said (within a few). There's probably a good way to count them, but I'm not feeling very experimental at the moment.
  10. Magotchi

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    I only saw that you originally said "createvehicle = ban", and told someone off who disagreed. Be civil, please. EDIT (in reply to your edit): Yeah. The context was indeed lost.
  11. Magotchi

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Are you saying you should always ban for anything in createvehicle.log? If you look at a createvehicle.log with the latest DCB createvehicle.txt, you'll see all kinds of things you shouldn't be banning for.
  12. Magotchi

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    "#195" means it's the 195th entry in your scripts.txt file. Look at the detection in your scripts.log to see what the script looked like, and then go to line 195 in your scripts.txt, and look in that general area for that detection's entry. The script detection numbers are server-dependent. The only reason many of them match is that many people use the official scripts.txt.
  13. Magotchi

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Also, who really cares? IPs aren't sensitive information. If some silly admins IP ban them all, that's their loss. Also, in a world of dynamic IPs, editing out the last octet, unless you're issuing a subpoena to an ISP, doesn't give you any less information about the person than if you hadn't, because it still generally tells you what ISP they use and in what city.
  14. Cool. Thanks. The git server on the Google Code project always shows the time you grab the file as the files modified time (making wget's timestamping feature worthless), so I was curious how you'd gotten it to detect changes before deciding to download. That probably explains it.
  15. Magotchi

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    I've been using the Community Banlist for several days now, and the vast majority of what appears in my scripts.log are lines that just say '#132 "isDedicated"' at the end, with no more information about the script. For example, I just sampled a random scripts.log from last night, and 2810/2822 lines in the file were just that, in addition to 8 more common, non-hack lines, and 4 lines for opening the dedicated server interface (maybe/probably hackers). Is it reasonable that '#132 "isDedicated"' lines show up so often, and is it reasonable that there isn't much else in scripts.log besides those lines, or am I doing something incorrectly?
  16. Where does this program get the files it downloads? The DayZ Community Banlist (and filters)?
  17. It's not as bad as it used to be. Signature check IO usage was dramatically reduced in a beta patch a few weeks ago or so. It used to be unusable for me as well, too, due to the IO usage, but now it seems almost no different than with it off in terms of load. It's an important feature to have, so I hope you don't give up on it.
  18. When my server starts, it says, "IMPORTANT: The DayZ team has released an updated scripts.txt file. Server admins are urged to start using it to avoid renaming of the old version." in the console. Has there really been an official update to the scripts.txt which fixes the problem? I know about Dwarden's fixed scripts.txt, and it seems to work fine, but I'm wondering if there really is an official one.
  19. Magotchi

    New Official Scripts.txt

    The version jwiechers posted has been working fine for me for the most part, but every few minutes, everyone in the server was getting kicked for restriction #98, so I edited line 100 (starts with "5 setCaptive") to have a 1 (log) instead of 5 (log and kick) as a temporary fix.
  20. Magotchi

    New Official Scripts.txt

    That's what this thread is asking.
  21. Magotchi

    New Official Scripts.txt

    The scripts.txt inside the current version of cfgdayzDEFAULT.zip (from the 10th) will get renamed when your server starts. Don't use that.
  22. Magotchi

    New Official Scripts.txt

    BattlEye\scripts.txt is a list of things you want BattlEye to detect. BattlEye\scripts.log is a log file. When you get the new scripts.txt, you replace BattlEye\scripts.txt with it.
  23. Magotchi

    New Official Scripts.txt

    No. If you don't have a scripts.txt, nothing will get detected. I would recommend the one from the post I linked above, unless, as I'm asking about, there exists a new official one.
  24. 23.07.2012 12:29:28: CKr ( da6ad0ac9f3d1224193dc1e2ebc60b1b - #36 icopter" || _v iskindof "plane") then { _v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; 23.07.2012 12:29:28: CKr ( da6ad0ac9f3d1224193dc1e2ebc60b1b - #55 his] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; processInitCommands; }; if (_v iskindof "tank") then { _int 12:29:28 Player CKr kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #55 12:29:28 Player CKr disconnected. I believe this is a false detection from today's official scripts.txt update. This happened about a half hour after restarting the server with the new scripts.txt. I know CKr well, he's been active in my CS clan for a long time, and I don't believe he's hacking. He had just gotten onto the driver's seat of an ATV on the bridge in Solnichniy, the ATV glitched out, flew into the air a bit, and then he got scared and got off of it. They also shot at it a bit to try to destroy it. Then he was kicked for this detection.