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Everything posted by Stormcricket

  1. Stormcricket

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Cant see the designs, but I would buy one with the Day Z logo on the front with "Anyone in Cherno?" or "Sure I'm friendly" on the back. I wouldnt want any weapons in the design though, just a personal thing.
  2. Stormcricket

    Have Zombie Spawning Mechanics Changed?

    I had this happen at the northern supermarket in Berezino. I tried to crouch walk across the road from the market to the apartment buildings but aggro'd 1 who copped an akm round to the head, but then every zed and his mate heard the shot and so I ran back to the supermarket and killed about 10 and realised that more were coming. I avoided the ones coming in the back doors and ran out that way and into the field to some trees. I was able to get away but yeah its getting tough to stealth past them now, and that was around the time I started getting the graphics glitch so had to make sure I wasnt looking towards the military tents.
  3. Noticed this when I looked towards the mil tents in Berezino, as soon as I looked away the problem went away. Will keep an eye on this thread to see if a solution presents itself.
  4. Stormcricket


    In terms of hunting knives, factories seem to spawn them, or the buildings in their immediate vicinity. I always find 1 or 2 in the buildings around the factory between Orlovets and Polana. I cant find matches for the life of me, I have the knife and hatchett but cant get the matches. I am surviving on the cans of food I find but I would like to be able to avoid towns and cities. I check all the supermarkets and barns I come across but no luck so far.
  5. Stormcricket

    Night time is fun time

    I also like the night but I got lucky and found some NV gear at a helicopter crash so it isnt the same experience as yours. Last night I logged into a server with only 12 others and when I logged out there was only 2 players left. The dark doesnt affect the zombies like I thought it would, their aggro distance doesnt seem to change at night. I am yet to use chemlights or road flares, although the sound from a breaking whiskey bottle does seem to carry at night.
  6. Stormcricket

    Time Survived?

    I did not know about the days alive thing, thanks that is the new thing I learned today
  7. Stormcricket

    couple of hours in..

    Avoid the front of a hospital and go to the back. There is usually a small box of supplies at ground level plus a ladder up to the roof where you can access another box of meds. You have to break the glass to get at the supplies at the front of the building and that alerts zeds and bandits.
  8. Stormcricket

    No Weapons?

    Hatchets are weapons too :(
  9. Stormcricket

    [DayZ] What's your reaction on strangers?

    You need an option where you can just be the Grizzly Adams mountain hermit dude. Thats me at the moment, I avoid all contact and the only person I shot was following me after I made it clear I was not friendly and didnt want to team. I have had too many encounters with people just wanting to kill me, its safer to just not interact. The worst for me was spending a minute or so chatting via direct and being able to search each others pack and then getting shot in the face, kind of changed my outlook in game.
  10. Stormcricket

    Has the AKM been Nerfed?

    I always assumed the military zeds had some form of body or flak armour, which is why they take 2 shots to drop from the smaller caliber weapons. Larger caliber rounds just punch through the armour.
  11. Stormcricket

    Carry more than one gun?

    I had a glitch last night where I lost all the ammo for a winchester, 3 clips of slugs. I had cleared space in the backpack for the gun, 10 slots, but when I moved the gun into the pack all the ammo disappeared. It didnt drop on the ground or anything, it just disappeared. I wasnt even in the process of picking up the hunting rifle, that was the reason for wanting the 2nd gun, so annoyed.
  12. Stormcricket

    People are horrible.

    um, we must be twins? I had my first murder last night after nearly a month in game, I dont like the feeling. axe wielding dude wandered into the tower without checking it out and got 3 makarov rounds to the back of the head for his troubles. I have managed to avoid people, but of all the deaths I have had, zombies have only gotten me once. I normally game with a friend but he is unavailable for another week or so, so I am lone wolfing it to see how long I can last. Am doing well so far, avoiding people and cities, looting deer stands, barns and small towns.
  13. Stormcricket

    Change your face!

    I am sporting the William Wallace look this season, blue face paint is all the rage. Whats funny is in 3rd person all I see are that my ears are painted blue, but when I roll I get a quick glimpse of my face. In game is there another way to see your face?
  14. Stormcricket

    australian/new zealand players

    Cant join in tonight but will hit you guys up over the weekend.
  15. Stormcricket

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi my name in game is Pearce been playing for a couple of weeks but as with all things life gets in the way so it has only really been 4-5 days worth of gaming. I am based in Australia and I have posted a grudge against a Matt(2) but it is on one of the Aus or NZ servers. I am loving this mod in spite of the bugs and glitches and bandits. I was eased into the game by a friend and we tend to party up but when solo I am always looking for help.
  16. Let it be known that I am opening The Great Book of Grudges. I am chiselling in the tag of a player who in his wisdom shot someone who openly said I have just respawned, I have no weapon and we proceeded to chat via direct for a minute or 2. I explained I was hunting for meds for an injured friend and wanted to know if he had any. He was also very curious about my friend but I am pretty sure he won’t be able to find him. From his answers and the equipment he was using I realised he was the same player who had killed me a few minutes before. Now the first kill I will accept as part of the game, I was armed and being sneaky but got a little complacent so that one was well played and he got close enough that I saw him. The second time however made no sense and during the chat he was made aware I had no equipment as we were close enough to be able to search each other’s pack. I didn’t take anything from him and still he shot me. So Matt(2) with the dark skin and the aviator glasses your name is etched into The Great Book of Grudges. I know the area you lurk in and I know you prey on the vulnerable, vengeance shall be mine in this spawn or the next (with this game I will probably need the next and the next as well). Matt(2) I name you as my nemesis, and will do all in my power to see you brought to heel. I dare you to not change your tag or your appearance, because that would mean I win. I would have scared you enough that you run and hide and hope the scary man forgets about you because he can’t find you. Now I am not putting up where you lurk or what server you were on as you are my nemesis but I do need to include your name and description for the Grudge to be accepted. Fear not fellow survivors, while this experience has laid a scab across my gamer soul I still believe in the goodness of other survivors. I will give you the chance to chat and will make every effort to broadcast via direct a message that I am coming whenever I am about to enter a building. However I will go silent when I am nearing the territory of Matt(2) as I will not gift him first chance at me.
  17. Stormcricket

    Random event possibilties/feedback.

    Let me start out by saying hi, I am new to the game and in spite of the bugs and glitches and nasty people who shoot me even when I have nothing, I love this game. My idea seems to be a combination of your 2 ideas, zerg rush with an air drop of supplies, although the randomness could be incorporated into which town is the target of the air drop. I thought perhaps a game wide broadcast, such as go to Bor clear out the infestation and wait for a supply drop from a friendly air force. This could attract all sorts of players but only if you know where the f@#k Bor is. As with any air drop some of the containers get blown off course and it would be a limited number/type of supplies, mainly ammo and food. The town could be Zerg rushed by zombies and the defenders have to hold for 10-15 minutes with some ammo drops during the course of the defence. These ammo drops are what attract the zombies in the first place and they spawn at random points within a 2 minute shamble of the town. This then could lead to players who are making their way to the town to run into the zombies. Bandits would be a menace as always but it is hoped that the greater number of players would work together to get the job done. The supply drops need to be sufficient to make it worth it for a player to risk it but not so large as to throw the game off balance. The reasoning behind the air drop and not having the military just roll in and slaughter everyone is they still haven’t found a vaccine and don’t want to risk getting any more of their troops infected. I realise this is probably nothing new from a gaming point of view but could be used to some effect within DayZ. Any thoughts on this idea, good, bad or otherwise are appreciated, although please be gentle I still have soft tender bits that the internet hasn’t scoured away.