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Everything posted by -Daemon-

  1. -Daemon-


    While playing on any server, and even with just DayZ running my ping spikes from 47-350+ and hangs there for prolonged periods of time. I frequently get 20,000+ desync, as do players on Ventrilo with me. My data usage (thankfully not capped) has skyrocketed since playing DayZ. Can we get any word on whether or not DayZ is using too much data?
  2. -Daemon-

    Help test the latest patch

    Doesn't seem to be up, are you guys the only ones running the new build? Seems to me that more servers should be running it to get a better tester base.
  3. We're Nuts! Chernarus : 3238 We're Nuts Chernarus is just that, freakin' NUTS! We're a three month old server which has just implemented a whitelist feature. Our admins are almost always on, and our community is either helpful, or bloodthirsty, we can't tell. We're hosted in Washington D.C. via DayZ.ST. What do we offer? Active Admins Custom Map Design Extra Loot at Crash Sites Increased Lootable Buildings in Cities Active Community Rollbacks when needed 10 Freakin' Heli Crashes! Extra Weapons Clear Roads! 200+ Vehicles (300 limit) Debug Monitor (coming soon) Server has been re-issued to us under a new IP. The database is fresh as of 2/2/2013 Server Settings: Third Person: On Crosshairs: On Nameplates: Off Tracers: Off Difficulty: Regular Death Messages: On Care Packages: Enabled Wrecks: Enabled Side Chat: Enabled Awesomesauce: ENGAGED! Server Rules: No Racism No Cheating (Obviously) No Bigotry No harassment No slurs Have fun No whining Expected Advances: Continuously Updating Map More Weapons and Items to be added Custom loadouts for regulars Increased Vehicle Count (currently at 300) New vehicles Custom Base Building Server-side events (Capture the Apache, etc...) We will Whitelist once our dedicated playerbase has risen again. How do I join? Send an E-mail to [email protected] with your Name and GUID. We will get you whitelisted ASAP! To get your GUID log in to any BattlEye enabled server and type: #beclient guid. In addition to e-mail, you may leave a reply here with your GUID and ingame name, or hop into our TeamSpeak3 server. An admin will whitelist you shortly. IP: Port: 2352
  4. We're up and running now. Custom loot isn't working as intended, but our custom map design is! We're up to around 400 vehicles now, and map updates are happening frequently, and without server downtime!
  5. -Daemon-

    DayZ Mod Update

    I meant my post with regards to private servers. As the public servers are being phased out, so to speak, I would hope some more customization would come our way.
  6. -Daemon-

    DayZ Mod Update

    It's been stated, but I will post my findings: Loot icons have different (Or new?) graphics. Magazines and Shells have swapped icons now. Zombies are now hitting you through vehicles, without breaking the glass. (intended?) Heli crashes do not spawn at all More Zombies in towns Zombies keeping you in combat from over 1km away. Abort being disabled even though you are not in combat It is just my opinion, but I think the code should be more open to us server admins and operators. Let us decide what we want on our servers. Open up more weapons and vehicles and allow us to customize our own servers to our own liking. Mods like DayZ need to be more customization friendly and not just with a new map, or a new addon. Let us make our own servers totally unique with new weapon combos, vehicles, buildings, etc...
  7. Does that mean the custom buildings entered into the database will not function? If so, how about ones placed in via the mission file?
  8. -Daemon-

    DayZ Mod Update

    Some of the magazines are showing as the wrong images ingame. Any word on this?
  9. I do not have a clue when the Taviana Dev Team would update their map. I know one of the main guys from it said after this next update for Tavi he will cease and let some other people take over. The modders get shit on from all angles, specifically those trying to make a buck off the game *cough* origins *cough*.
  10. Not until the Taviana Devs put the features in. It runs separate DayZ_Code than Chernarus, which uses this patch. I am sure they'll update it soon.
  11. Read the twitter post. "The website may be slow or unresponsive until the updates are complete."
  12. I think it would be as it is required for the patch, no? From what I understand the updates to the ArmA build are automatically updated based upon the stability of the build, and its corresponding features to the server. I could be wrong, but I think I read this somewhere either in this thread, or on their twitter.
  13. I guess my question didn't really make sense in hindsight. There is a provided mission file (Never had a server before >ST), which I assume comes with most of the major updates. Ours is a custom one, so we would have to recompile all our original things (Providing they work with Since I know you guys don't do any support if we use custom files, I won't ask for help, or even clarification here. Thanks for the replies!
  14. No worries! Thanks for the hard work! Question though, will the mission file supplied in the post be put directly into the servers for us?
  15. The server IP has changed. It is now: Updated main post.
  16. We looked into hosting our own server with full dedicated access, however it did not pan out. We're in discussions as to whether or not we will continue hosting a server. I will update this thread when I know more.
  17. -Daemon-

    DayZ: Origins (RELEASED)

    Any word on the server files?
  18. Update 1/27/13 Prison may not be implemented due to FPS issues with the new additions In process of adding bonfires to all towns to 'light up the night' Removal of Fog in progress Nighttime should be moonlit only, with clear skies Reduced vehicle count to 200 pending FPS issues
  19. It's been a hit with our playerbase. I love being able to track my Humanity (Hero) and my Zed kills.